Saturday, June 17, 2006


Good day dear friends. A couple of days ago, I shared a prayer request from church members for a Becky Kinlund of here in SM, who had blood clots. I received an email that she did not make it. We pray for her family, loved ones, and friends during this time.

I thank the Lord for my wife's birthday today! And to all who along with Nellie celebrate June 17th as a birthday, Happy Birthday! My brother, Ernest had his on the 14th, he's Flag Day baby; my dad earlier on the 2nd. Feliz Dia.

I received this in a devotional email I receive, and I've shared it with some of you:

A Salute To Our Fathers

4 Years Old -My Daddy can do anything.
5 Years Old -My Daddy knows a whole lot.
6 Years Old -My Daddy is smarter than your Dad.
8 Years Old -My dad doesn't know exactly everything.
10 Years Old - In the olden days when my Dad grew up, things were
12 Years Old - Oh well, naturally, Father doesn't know anything about
that. He is too old to remember his childhood.
14 Years Old - Don't pay any attention to my Father. He is so old
21 Years Old - Him? Lord, he's so hopelessly out of date.
25 Years Old - Dad knows a little about it, but then he should, because
he's been around so long.
30 Years Old - Maybe we should ask Dad what he thinks. After all, he's
had a lot of experience.
35 Years Old - I'm not going to do a single thing until I talk to Dad.
40 Years Old - I wonder how Dad would have handled it. He was so wise
and had a world of experience.
50 Years Old - I'd give anything if Dad were here now so I could talk
this over with him. Too bad I didn't appreciate how smart he was.

Author Unknown

Boy, don't we all relate to that? I remember the playground arguments about what our dads could do, and who our dads were. Like the old story about dads, I could relate to the little boy who while in class, heard his friends talk about how rich, important, powerful, etc. their dads were, and looking at the front of the classroom where the dad had come in to talk to the teacher, the little boy said, "My dad is here!" I thank God for my dad being there. He set a model for me to follow and I've tried hard to be there for my daughters as well. I may not know everything, nor can I do the things I used to do; but I am still a man of love and care for them. I pray for them and I try to honor God for them.

Dads, it's your special day. I know, Hallmark and other cards love this day in terms of sales, but beyond the card or tie, or socks or shoes or whatever you may receive, receive a lesson about how special you can be, if you aren't already, to your children and to their mother.

May this day be a day of saying, "Thank you God for allowing me to be a Father. Help me to be more of an Abba, Daddy, to my kids.

PRAYER: Loving God we thank you for our dads. For those in Your presence, we honor their memory and know they've been blessed by You. For those still on the earth, may we rejoice together in life and love. May this be a time for reconciliation for all, we pray in Jesus' name. Amen.

Have a great, safe, and blessed Father's Day weekend!


Wednesday, June 14, 2006


Good day dear friends. This past Sunday we celebrated Laity Sunday and three lovely ladies shared the word of God with our church family. Our thanks to Sue Carson, Linda Palermo, and Kate McWhirt, who preached at the three worship services of First UMC. Therefore, there was no study guide for this week, and I've been sharing just some thoughts about my 30th anniversary in ministry and today just a thought about parenting.

Nellie and I had the pleasure of spending some time with our youngest, Caitlin, as she was oriented at Texas Woman's University in Denton. She was able to tour the campus again, meet some new friends, spend the night in the dorm, and register for classes. The parents got to attend parent seminars and workshops. One of them was on letting go. I needed that one. I was happy and strong the whole way up there. Once we hit the parking lot of the dorm on the first morning, it was Dad that shed some tears at the reality of our youngest, who was for your information, just born yesterday, no?, is attending college! But we heard a term we hadn't heard before and it was the title of this morning's devotional. The professor leading this, said our generation of parenting is being called the "helicopter generation" because we "hover" too much over our kids. And he proceeded to tell us what NOT to say to our kids, which ran counter to what I've always told my girls. Okay.

Do we hover over our children too much? I can't answer that for you, but you can for yourself. We want the best for our children and we want them to be successful and triumphant in all things, especially life. We want them to be good and to do something that benefits humanity and serves the Lord. Is that asking too much? By the same token, are we allowing them the freedom to risk and venture out on their own? Our cultural backgrounds may be different in many respects, but on the above we're pretty much united. Our views on our children may be a bit different as well. Nellie and I raised our girls to know they could do and go anywhere they wanted in terms of their education. We weren't surprised, but were very pleased that Nellie, our oldest, went to dad's alma mater of Southwestern University. And it was great knowing that later on that very same time, we moved to San Antonio which put us closer to her. I don't know how pleased Nellie was, but oh well. Nellie and I were shocked that our second oldest, Sarai, chose Rensselear Polytechnic Institute in Troy, NY for her college! RPI in NY? Wow, that was a trip. Dad cried from Georgetown to San Antonio and from Troy to about Maryland. Carli chose Texas Lutheran University and the tears were only from Seguin to San Antonio. Now Denton.

We trust in the Lord and to the Lord we entrust them. We know that there is no One better in Whom to trust, than the caring arms of God. We can hover all we want, but we must trust the Lord to guide and bless them as they go about discovering life for themselves. We pray that our blades would stop spinning and we can come in for a landing.

Yes, it is all right to cry.

PRAYER: Loving God, we trust You with our children and their futures. Bless us, the parents with the strength and comfort we need. We pray and trust in You. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Have a great and blessed day!



Good day dear friends. This past Sunday we celebrated Laity Sunday and three lovely ladies shared the word of God with our church family. Our thanks to Sue Carson, Linda Palermo, and Kate McWhirt, who preached at the three worship services of First UMC. Therefore, there was no study guide for this week, and I've been sharing just some thoughts about my 30th anniversary in ministry and today just a thought about parenting.

Nellie and I had the pleasure of spending some time with our youngest, Caitlin, as she was oriented at Texas Woman's University in Denton. She was able to tour the campus again, meet some new friends, spend the night in the dorm, and register for classes. The parents got to attend parent seminars and workshops. One of them was on letting go. I needed that one. I was happy and strong the whole way up there. Once we hit the parking lot of the dorm on the first morning, it was Dad that shed some tears at the reality of our youngest, who was for your information, just born yesterday, no?, is attending college! But we heard a term we hadn't heard before and it was the title of this morning's devotional. The professor leading this, said our generation of parenting is being called the "helicopter generation" because we "hover" too much over our kids. And he proceeded to tell us what NOT to say to our kids, which ran counter to what I've always told my girls. Okay.

Do we hover over our children too much? I can't answer that for you, but you can for yourself. We want the best for our children and we want them to be successful and triumphant in all things, especially life. We want them to be good and to do something that benefits humanity and serves the Lord. Is that asking too much? By the same token, are we allowing them the freedom to risk and venture out on their own? Our cultural backgrounds may be different in many respects, but on the above we're pretty much united. Our views on our children may be a bit different as well. Nellie and I raised our girls to know they could do and go anywhere they wanted in terms of their education. We weren't surprised, but were very pleased that Nellie, our oldest, went to dad's alma mater of Southwestern University. And it was great knowing that later on that very same time, we moved to San Antonio which put us closer to her. I don't know how pleased Nellie was, but oh well. Nellie and I were shocked that our second oldest, Sarai, chose Rensselear Polytechnic Institute in Troy, NY for her college! RPI in NY? Wow, that was a trip. Dad cried from Georgetown to San Antonio and from Troy to about Maryland. Carli chose Texas Lutheran University and the tears were only from Seguin to San Antonio. Now Denton.

We trust in the Lord and to the Lord we entrust them. We know that there is no One better in Whom to trust, than the caring arms of God. We can hover all we want, but we must trust the Lord to guide and bless them as they go about discovering life for themselves. We pray that our blades would stop spinning and we can come in for a landing.

Yes, it is all right to cry.

PRAYER: Loving God, we trust You with our children and their futures. Bless us, the parents with the strength and comfort we need. We pray and trust in You. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Have a great and blessed day!


Tuesday, June 13, 2006


Good day dear friends. It was on a Sunday. It was the 13th of June, 1976. On the campus of my alma mater, Southwestern University, that during the Ordination Service of the Rio Grande Conference, Bishop O. Eugene Slater, ordained me a Deacon in The United Methodist Church. It was and still is, a very emotional event. As I arose this morning and prayed on my knees to thank God for this special call and to ask forgiveness for all I have not done, and for those things I know I have that I shouldn't have, that the words of Isaiah 6 came to mind: "5 And I said: "Woe is me! For I am lost; for I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips; for my eyes have seen the King, the LORD of hosts!" 6 Then flew one of the seraphim to me, having in his hand a burning coal which he had taken with tongs from the altar. 7 And he touched my mouth, and said: "Behold, this has touched your lips; your guilt is taken away, and your sin forgiven." 8 And I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?" Then I said, "Here am I! Send me."

I cannot help but identify with how that man felt: Lost, unclean lips, living in the midst of a society gone the way opposite God, but I have seen the King at work in my life and in my ministry; and I pray that I might feel the cleansing that is mine for the asking for the days yet ahead, for even though I resisted at first, at last I surrendered to God when God asked, "Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?" I said, "Here am I! Send me."

I love what I do. God called me to perhaps the most exciting and challenging career there is. There is never a dull moment in the life of a minister if s/he is seeking the Lord and how to best serve Him. Yes, there are those days... But God is with me; praise His name! What other profession has as its full time calling to bring people to God? My God loves people! My God wants to be in relationship with people, and my job is to offer God's love. There is no greater joy in my life than knowing that God can make a difference in everyone's life and sometimes, God can even use me to help in that. I'm at my happiest when someone tells me they've given their lives to the Lord or that a sermon of mine touched their life. This past Thursday at the Laity Banquet at annual conference, a young man just appointed as an associate pastor at one of our churches, made it a point to come to my table and share how 12 years ago, when I preached at the Rio Grande Conference Youth Assembly, he felt God calling him to ordained ministry through my sermon. He even remembered that I preached on the armor of God and how I had used a Roman soldier cut out that I borrowed from one of my laymen from my church in Mission, Texas. This young man is now about 6'5", 12 years ago he wasn't! I thanked God for that reminder of why I do what I do. If you missed the river baptisms of three of our confirmands you missed another one of the greatest experiences in this line of work. As difficult as some other parts of my job may be, if I can serve God and do God's will, I am blessed.

I thank God for you who pray for me and for all pastors. Your first commitment to God's church is to pray for God's church and that includes God's servants the pastors. In talking with a long time dear friend moving to a new church he and I just shared about how sometimes you get overwhelmed and you do feel unappreciated and you find yourself moved. He asked, what should I do? I told him about the listening conferences that we held at FUMC-SM and how those blessed me in knowing where folks were. Then I shared how I should have done a P.I.E. with the Pastor right off the bat, because Prayer In Everthing is how a pastor and congregation should approach the work of the Lord. I told him about how special it was to have my Lay Leadership committee taking the lead in presenting (however much of a surprise that was!) books on prayer. The one called "Prayed For or Preyed On" has had the most effect on me and those who have read it. I thank God for the supernatural spiritual support that is mine because of people praying for me.

I look forward. However down some days may be, a pastor knows to let God has the last word in all things. And that means to keep the vision on what God is and will do in all situations. A Christian looks forward with faith and expectation. A Christian has to live with hope in all things. A hope in Who holds today and Who holds tomorrow.

I thank God for the wonderful blessings that have helped me come this far: A special, sent from God, wife, who has stood alongside me the entire journey. I married her because the pastor who spoke to me about her told me she was a woman of prayer. And she is. He also told me she was a tither, and that closed the deal! A pastor does well in marrying a partner who prays. One can always hire an organist or pianist, marry someone who will pray for you! I thank God that Nellie and I were blessed with four wonderful daughters. I know the journey has not been easy for them, but their faith in God has remained steady and strong. I thank God they pray for me as well.

I thank God for you who have faithfully (some since 1995) who have read the religious ramblings of this aging servant. Praise be to God!

PRAYER: Wonderful Father, we thank You for your presence and help during all our days. I pray that You would continue to encourage and invite those Whom You would have serve You. I celebrate this day as a special day of my ordination and I look forward to the days ahead. I thank You for being with me every day and for the blessings of this journey. I ask forgiveness and pray that I might be faithful to You. I pray in Jesus' name. Amen.

Have a great and blessed day!


Friday, June 09, 2006


Good day dear friends.

We lift up these petitions for your prayers. Our brother, Armando Contreras, who was working as one of our adult sponsors at the Mission Service Project, was taken by ambulance from McAllen to San Antonio because of mild renal failure. Mando will be at the VA Hospital there. Please pray for Mando and Linda and their family. Also, my dad, E. M. Valverde suffered a minor stroke and was hospitalized last night in Houston. I spoke with Dad and he was in good spirits. He was awaiting tests and said, stubbornly, he would be at home later today. Please keep him in prayer as well.

Also, please continue to hold our annual conference in prayer as well.

Here is our prayer guide for today:

Friday: If you’ve not asked for God’s Holy Spirit to come upon you, why not make that the focal point of today’s prayer day? As you reflected on Wednesday, you made a list of things you believe God would have you do. Make this prayer be the prayer that empowers you to live out your faith and calling. If you fell overwhelmed with anything and desire someone with whom to speak, please call the church office and we will speak with you about your calling and purpose in life.

Have a great and blessed day!


Thursday, June 08, 2006


Good day dear friends.

We continue to affirm the blessings that are ours with the coming of the Holy Spirit into our lives.

Here is our study guide for today:

Thursday: Please turn to Romans 5:1-5. As you read each word, let it speak to your heart about what God has given to us to give us fullness of life. Let these words of Paul to the Christians in Rome be your words, written to you right where you sit this day. For Paul to say that we have been justified means that we have been made acceptable even though we may feel unacceptable. Let God’s word bless and purify you this day.

Here is that passage in RSV: Romans 5:1 Therefore, since we are justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. 2 Through him we have obtained access to this grace in which we stand, and we rejoice in our hope of sharing the glory of God. 3 More than that, we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, 4 and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, 5 and hope does not disappoint us, because God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit which has been given to us.

What has God given us? 1. Justification by faith. Fancy way of saying, God has given us a relationship with Him. We who because of our sin are unworthy, are made worthy through faith in Jesus Christ. When they were trying to teach us this in one of my many theology classes, they showed us a film, yes, I'm that old; a 16 mm, clickity clack whirling of film on a projector wheeled in to the classroom by the AV Club of Perkins. It was a film about a priest who ran an orphanage in some South or Central American country. The kids were fed and taught and allowed to play in the courtyard. I don't remember any narration or even dialogue in the film, for there comes to the huge doors of this church compound, this disfigured little boy. His face scarred from innocence to terror by a fire. His clothes and general appearance show one who is alone, uncared and unloved. He seems hungry, not only for food but for company of any sort. He seeks relationship. The priest opens the door to the compound and the little boy comes. The kids see this new child and flee in terror, for this face is hideous. The priest holds and hugs the little boy, the child's face beaming with this new sensation of human contact, and tears flow down his face. The other children, moved by the display of he who is older and wiser, who has accepted the child, then also come and also put their hands on the boy's shoulders and arms. The end. Justification by faith. We, who were once "unacceptable" are now acceptable because of God's great love.

2. We have peace in our hearts in God through Jesus Christ. There is no greater peace for humanity than that which comes through knowing we are loved and in a secure, nurturing relationship. This is ours, again by faith, through Jesus. It's ours for the asking!

3. We have access to grace. Grace is that undeserved, unmerited, free gift of God's love. Again, through Jesus in that relationship we have with God.

4. We have unending joy through the hope that is ours.

5. This same rejoicing lasts through the unpleasant things of life, such as suffering.

6. Our suffering produces endurance.

7. Our endurance produces character.

8. Our hope does not disappoint.

9. Our character produces hope.

10. God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.

PRAYER: Loving God, it could not be clearer; You love us so much that through Your Holy Spirit You can provide all we need for a life that is full of life. Grant to me that fullness of life today. Let me be mindful of all you have shared, through Jesus Christ I pray, amen.

Have a great and blessed day!


Wednesday, June 07, 2006


Good day dear friends. We have received a word of thanks from the family of Ernie Brown for our prayers. The family has been blessed by these prayers. Thank you.

Today is our day of prayer and purpose. Here is our prayer guide:

Wednesday: For our day of prayer and purpose, get a clean sheet of paper. Write on it, “Things God has asked me to do.” List under that heading the things you have prayerfully discovered as responsibilities you know God has placed on your heart. As you list each one, pray about that particular need or challenge. As you pray ask God to fill your spirit with His Holy Spirit so that you may have that which you need to do every one of those things. Close your time of prayer with a prayer asking God to bless all who are doing the same thing today in their day of prayer and purpose. Pray that a clear vision of God’s moving among our church would be felt in every heart. Pray for the pastors and lay members of the Southwest Texas Annual Conference as they meet in Corpus Christi today through Saturday.

Have a great and blessed day!


Tuesday, June 06, 2006


Good day dear friends.

I received word of the death of Mr. Ernie Brown of Trinity UMC in San Antonio. Please hold Jeannette, his wife, and his children in our prayers. May the Lord bring comfort to them in this time.

We continue our celebration of Pentecost and the coming of God's Holy Spirit. Here is our study guide for today:

Tuesday: Find John 1:33. In this passage there is a reference to the Holy Spirit. What role is the Holy Spirit playing in this particular passage? Now, let’s go to John 14:26 and read there what God shows the disciples through these words. God’s Holy Spirit has always been present, but it is in Acts that we see a more specific disciple-friendly way of God’s Holy Spirit moving among us.

Here is John 1:33 "I myself did not know him, but the one who sent me to baptize with water said to me, "He on whom you see the Spirit descend and remain is the one who baptizes with the Holy Spirit.'"

In this passage the Holy Spirit marks the identification of Jesus to John the Baptist. The Holy Spirit came down as a dove and descended on Jesus. This passage also says that Jesus "is the one who baptizes with the Holy Spirit." John knew his limitations and calling, but he also recognized the calling and power of Jesus.

John 14:26 "But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything, and remind you of all that I have said to you."

This verse is among those that caused Church patriarchs to divide Luke-Acts and to place the Gospel of John in the middle. In this verse, Jesus is explaining the Holy Spirit and His role in life.

1. The Holy Spirit is an Advocate for us.
2. The Holy Spirit, a person, comes in Jesus' name.
3. The Holy Spirit, will teach us everything.
4. The Holy Spirit will remind us of all that Jesus has said to us.

As was mentioned Sunday in the sermon, Paul understood the Advocate nature of the Holy Spirit, for it is the Holy Spirit who intercedes for us in our prayer time, especially during those times of prayer when we're prayed out or think we can no longer pray. Sighs, moans, groans, even thoughts, are sufficient to offer up our prayers for the Holy Spirit understands them and lifts them to the Lord. Jesus knew that God would send His Holy Spirit in Jesus' name. In other words, He would not be a stranger. He would know the disciples and the disciples would know Him. If we are, or are striving to be Jesus' disciples, He will know us and we will know Him. If we are Jesus' disciples, we will learn that which we need to know to serve God because the Holy Spirit will teach us. And the Holy Spirit is a Comforter because He reminds us of what Jesus wanted us to know.

May it be our focus today to share with all that which we know we have through God's Holy Spirit.

PRAYER: Come, Holy Spirit, fall afresh on me. Melt me, mold me, fill me, use me. Spirit of the Loving, Living God, fall afresh on me. In Jesus' name, amen.

Have a great and blessed day!


PS Be in prayer for those who are traveling today and tomorrow to annual conference.

Monday, June 05, 2006


Good day dear friends. We had a wonderful worship time yesterday and at the 10:45 Contemporary Worship time we welcomed True Tomlinson for her first worship visit. She and Mom look great, and at Coffee with the Pastor, she opened her eyes! She has beautitful blue eyes and a smile to match! We ask prayers for Dad, Kit Tomlinson and the senior highs who are in Mission, Texas for the Mission Service Project. Pray also for the adults who are on that trip as well.

Several folks wore red and the church looked great with everyone present to celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit. We were challenged at 8:30 with a blackout in our part of town. We opened the windows and I kept urging God to send the "rushing wind" we were reading about in Acts 2, but nada! At the very end, as we're singing the hymn of personal commitment, the lights came back on, and we had air conditioning in both the activities building and the church.

We'll be studying what Pentecost is as we go along this week and here is our study guide for today:

Monday: Please read Joel 2:28-32. This is the passage mentioned by Peter in the passage from yesterday, Acts 2. What do you suppose God intended in having the prophet write these words? Do these words speak to you and your situation? How can the gift of the Holy Spirit help you do what you know God has asked of your life?

Here is the passage from Joel 2:28 "And afterward, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions. 29 Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days. 30 I will show wonders in the heavens and on the earth, blood and fire and billows of smoke. 31 The sun will be turned to darkness and the moon to blood before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord. 32 And everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved;"

As I mentioned in worship, this passage from the OT has some very gender friendly language. God speaking through the prophet Joel says that the Holy Spirit would be "poured out on all people." (v.28) God also says that "sons and daughters will prophesy" (v.28) and "servants, both men and women" would receive God's Holy Spirit. In other words, God's Holy Spirit is for all people. As was told to the disciples in Acts 1, believers would become God's witnesses. The Holy Spirit would come as the One who would help us in all situations where we serve God by speaking words of invitation to all.

God has asked all of us to live and share in ways that give evidence that we are His disciples. The new commandment given to us by the Lord was "that you love one another. By this they will new you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.(John 13)" Not the easiest thing to do at times, but the most needed. By our living our lives in loving ways, that gives witness to the Lord.

Perhaps you've been called to teach, or even preach. And this call may seem overwhelming, but God's Holy Spirit comes to give us the needed strength and wisdom to fulill that call. As I said in the sermon, the "rights" to the Holy Spirit do not belong exclusively to the Pentecostals or Assembly of God churches, God's Holy Spirit is for us all. We need not fear the person of the Holy Spirit, for He is God's presence among us, sent by the Father to comfort, guide and lead us.

PRAYER: Come, Holy Spirit to my life. Fill me as You're poured out in me, to fulfill the call which You have placed in my heart. Guide me to faithfulness. I pray in Jesus' name. Amen.

Have a great and blessed day!


Thursday, June 01, 2006


Good day dear friends.

Our brother, O.C. Haley underwent a long surgery in San Antonio yesterday and we've been praying for his complete recovery.

We continue to study who our neighbors are, and so here is our study guide for today:

Thursday: Please turn to Revelation 7:9-12. Who is in that number that stands before the thone of God? Do you suppose in Heaven there will be a section for whites, browns, blacks, yellows, reds, Catholics, Presbyterians, Methodists, etc? Why or why not? Should we live our lives away from that commitment to God to love others as ourselves?

Here is that passage: Revelation 7:9 After this I looked, and there was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, robed in white, with palm branches in their hands. 10 They cried out in a loud voice, saying, "Salvation belongs to our God who is seated on the throne, and to the Lamb!" 11 And all the angels stood around the throne and around the elders and the four living creatures, and they fell on their faces before the throne and worshiped God, 12 singing, "Amen! Blessing and glory and wisdom and thanksgiving and honor and power and might be to our God forever and ever! Amen."

Did you choose to be born the way you were? Do you remember having a conversation with God prior to your conception and God asking you, "Would you like to be born white, brown, black, red, or yellow?" Neither do I. You and I were born just like we were without consultation. We couldn't even choose since we couldn't choose race, if we could be born rich! Yet, you and I were made in the image of God. Why then, do some folks hate other folks for the way they were born?

This Sunday is Pentecost Sunday and we'll be studying how God acted on behalf of all who were present in Jerusalem to bring them His word in their language. There was not then, nor is there now, an "official" or "national" language for Christianity. God did not send forth His Holy Spirit speaking only English or Hebrew, or Spanish or Greek. God acted in a way that touched everyone! So, can you marvel at the fact that today's Bible verse speaks of a gathering in Heaven of "a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages?" (v.9) This is the united nations in its purest form, united by their faith in Christ Jesus, reunited in the love that brought them fullness of life here and upon their death eternal life and eternal love. The passage shows a worship service (please note no distinction between traditional or contemporary!) where God is being worshiped and glorified, and the people present are blessed.

Someone once said if you look at babies in the nursery upon birth, all are beautiful. You take those same babies after a few months, and leave them to themselves and they will be loving and accepting of each other. But you remove them from each other and bring them together after the fifth grade in school, and some will already have hatred for the other simply because of what they've seen or heard from those who are raising them. Very few will call each other neighbor.

One of the most ugliest things I ever heard, I heard in seminary in a class, where we were discussing racism. One pastor-to-be said he would never want African Americans as his neighbor, unless it was "Beautiful Harvey Martin (a then-Dallas Cowboy player who was very popular in the city of Dallas)." It made me sick to my stomach to hear a man supposedly called by God to preach the Gospel to already have this distinction in his heart. I wondered whether he could indeed preach the Gospel in the way God intended. Sadly, this one incident was but only a minor one of a whole campus feeling of unrest and distrust among all races. I dropped out of seminary for a year.

Your attitude will determine your altitude someone once said. And it's true. If you have a loving, God-led, Spirit-filled attitude of love towards others, you will live a very long and happy life. If you decide to emphasize divisions between those different from you, your life will not be as blessed and as happy as God intended.

Let us today move away from divisions towards the unity offered to us in Jesus Christ.

PRAYER: Come, Loving God, to my heart and mind. Fill me with those thoughts that bless You and bring a blessing to me so that I might be a blessing to others. Forgive me for thoughts that have added to distrust and hatred, free me to love everyone. I pray in the name of He who loved me and others, Jesus my Lord. Amen.

Have a great and blessed day!
