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1 In you, LORD, I have taken refuge; let me never be put to shame. 2 In your righteousness, rescue me and deliver me; turn your ear to me and save me. 3 Be my rock of refuge, to which I can always go; give the command to save me, for you are my rock and my fortress. 4 Deliver me, my God, from the hand of the wicked, from the grasp of those who are evil and cruel. 5 For you have been my hope, Sovereign LORD, my confidence since my youth. 6 From birth I have relied on you; you brought me forth from my mother’s womb. I will ever praise you. (Psalm 71:1-6 NIV)
Dear Friend, may this be a great day for you in all you set out to do in thought, word, and deed. May each thought bring you peace and joy, and may each word bring the same to whomever you speak with; and may the deeds of your hands be guided by the love in your heart. Please pray for the family of Mrs. Anita Hornung, wife of The Rev. Warren Hornung. Anita passed away this week after a life of serving God alongside her husband. Her funeral will be on Friday morning at Yoakum United Methodist Church. Also, prayers for Mr. Ronnie Menking as he faces a third surgery this Friday in San Marcos. Prayers for a successful surgery and calm and peace to his wife, Christina.
Most people of a certain age may remember that we could not leave the house without Mom or Dad giving us a dime. Kids, a dime is a word for ten cents in one-coin. It's silver and you may have seen pictures of them; they're a little bigger than a penny and worth ten cents. In our day, the dime was the coin that would allow us to make a local-call. Mom or Dad wanted us to know we were not alone, we were covered; if we needed a ride home, we would place the dime in the pay phone and dial the number at home and they would come a'running. Oh, by the way, the pay phone was a phone permanentnly connected to a wall or a pole and it would reach any number anywhere in the world. There was both power and comfort in the dime. Later, the phone company raised the price of a call to twnety-five cents and we had to carry a bigger coin known as a quarter.
The passage today is a call that King David made to God. David knew God's number and felt very comfortable in making the call to Him. And he starts his call by reminding God how awesome God has been to him especially in his time of need, and then shares his need again. David calls upon God as a rock, a fortress, and a deliverer. These powerful images remind us that God is not only our safe place but also the One who will guide and protect us through all the seasons of life. Do you know God's number? Do you feel comfortable calling Him and often?
In the context of Epiphany, the psalm speaks to the revelation of God’s light and protection. Just as the Magi were drawn to the light of Christ and sought Him as their refuge and King, so too can we find refuge in God, who has been our hope from the moment of our birth. The psalmist declares that from the womb, God has been their sustainer, and it is this unshakable foundation that allows for trust and praise.
The call to “ever praise” God is an invitation to continually recognize His presence in our lives, just as the Epiphany reveals the glory of God through Jesus Christ. Christ is the ultimate revelation of God’s love and salvation, and He is the one in whom we place our refuge, hope, and trust. This season is a beautiful reminder that no matter where we are in our journey, God has been faithful from the very beginning, and He will continue to be our steadfast rock.
As we reflect on God’s faithfulness, let us also consider how we, like the psalmist, are called to respond with praise and trust. The light of Christ, revealed in this season, shines not only for us to receive but for us to share with others, inviting them into the refuge that God offers.
PRAYER: Loving God, we thank You for the light of Christ that has been revealed to the world, shining brightly in our hearts and in the darkness around us. You are our refuge, our rock, and our fortress, and in You, we place our trust. Like the psalmist, we recognize Your faithfulness from the very beginning of our lives. You have been our hope, our strength, and our deliverer. Help us to hold fast to that truth, knowing that no matter the season or circumstance, You are always with us. As we reflect on the Epiphany, may we be moved to praise You continually, to trust in Your sovereignty, and to share Your light with others. We give You all glory, honor, and praise. In Jesus’ strong name, Amen.
Have a great and blessed day in the Lord! OUR CALL TO ACTION: This Epiphany season, let your heart respond with praise and gratitude, and look for opportunities to share the hope and refuge you have found in Christ with someone who needs it.Take a moment today to reflect on the ways God has been your refuge and strength throughout your life. Consider how the light of Christ has been revealed to you in both ordinary and extraordinary ways.
I love you and I thank God for you!
Pastor Eradio Valverde, Jr.