Good day dear friends.
Matt. 21:13 - "My house shall be called a House of prayer."
Some realty company discovered my email and sent me an email with the subject line just like the subject line for today's devotional: "Churches for Sale." I opened it to see what they were offering and more importantly, where. The first was Austin, Houston, Dallas-Fort Worth, and San Antonio. Apparently, these guys and gals specialize in selling churches. I can think of nothing sadder in real estate than to sell a church. It says a lot without one knowing the full story, but the result is the same; this church is no longer able to function as a church, and we have no other option but to sell it.
In this week's conference newspaper, The Witness, there was a sad article about the Falfurrias church, El Buen Pastor UMC, that is closing its doors. No longer able to attract enough people to sustain it financially, the conference had no other option but to close its doors.
Jesus knew the day was coming when the very Temple that He had loved and cared for and even called a "house of prayer" would one day find itself with not one stone left upon another. He knew that His church would continue in other parts of the world, but the very Temple, symbol of worship and power, was destined to close at the hands of foreign powers that would close it down.
Could it be that churches have forgotten how to pray? And as a result of losing communication and contact with God, have forgotten to love? To reach out in Christian love to others? To share the Good News with a world that needs to hear? More importantly, have those people who make up the church, forgotten how to pray?
I say dear friend, that we can never forget to pray. We can never be too busy to lift up even a thought prayer to God about our needs and concerns along with a thought of thankfulness to God! God loves our prayers and God answers our prayers. We must be people of prayer!
It was a very moving ceremony yesterday morning as Kate McWhirt presented a prayer shawl to John Morrisett. Kate and some other ladies of the church, knit a shawl and all the while they are knitting, are praying for the person recommended by the pastors and staff of the church. As I told the congregation to receive a prayer shawl does not mean one is dying or going to face terrible situations, it simply means that because of some health issues and trials, their name has been lifted up to God in prayer. Rev. Jenna Heart who comes as the new pastor here in June is having a prayer shawl made just for her. If you know of someone who would benefit from a prayer shawl, please let me know.
PRAYER: God of living prayer, we thank You for listening to our prayers and concerns. Let me never be too busy to pray. And may the day never come when I believe I have forgotten to pray. I pray for my church and the needs it may have. May our doors always be open because of my prayers and love. I pray this in Jesus' name, amen.
Have a great and blessed day in the Lord!