Monday, October 31, 2022

What is Heaven Like?

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Hear the devotional here:

27 Some of the Sadducees, who say there is no resurrection, came to Jesus with a question. 28 “Teacher,” they said, “Moses wrote for us that if a man’s brother dies and leaves a wife but no children, the man must marry the widow and raise up offspring for his brother. 29 Now there were seven brothers. The first one married a woman and died childless. 30 The second 31 and then the third married her, and in the same way the seven died, leaving no children. 32 Finally, the woman died too. 33 Now then, at the resurrection whose wife will she be, since the seven were married to her?” 34 Jesus replied, “The people of this age marry and are given in marriage. 35 But those who are considered worthy of taking part in the age to come and in the resurrection from the dead will neither marry nor be given in marriage, 36 and they can no longer die; for they are like the angels. They are God’s children, since they are children of the resurrection. 37 But in the account of the burning bush, even Moses showed that the dead rise, for he calls the Lord ‘the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.’ 38 He is not the God of the dead, but of the living, for to him all are alive.” (Luke 20:27-38 NIV Bible)

Those who do not believe in resurrection find it easy to ask questions that mock those who do. Years ago, when I was doing an internship for my university, one of my supervisors was a woman of the Jewish faith. She held that when life ended, that it was it. There was no heaven nor hell, and the only afterlife is how you impacted others while alive, and if they remember you, that is the only way, you live on. The Sadducees were such a group (The old song says, "That's why they were sad, you see?"), who did not believe in life beyond death. You die, and that's it. So, for them to ask Jesus a question about Heaven, a place that for them did not exist, they want to trap Jesus. We can give them credit for knowing their law and history and so this question is along those lines. "Teacher, Moses taught us that if a man's brother dies and leaves a wife but no children, the man must marry the widow and raise up offspring for his brother." The preservation of the people was the motivation for such a law. It was important for the memory of the deceased for him to have children even after his death, and so Moses' teaching was for the brother of the deceased to take the widow as his wife and to have children with her. This was, it could be argued, not a matter of love; it was a matter of life. And so, the Sadducees, make it interesting; this first man was the oldest of seven, and so they said, the second and third and fourth and fifth and sixth and seventh brother all died, childless. Now, to be fair, we don't know the cause of death. It is, after all, a trick question to Jesus! They were more interested in trapping Jesus into saying something they could point at and begin yelling whatever it was that would suit them, like lies! But, their question was, "When the resurrection comes, whose wife will she be, since she had seven husbands?"

You can try, but you will never trick nor trap Jesus. Jesus answered wisely, "The people of this age marry and are given in marriage." In other words, what we know is what we do or see done. People get married every day, and so we know marriage in that way. But there are those, Jesus is saying, whose lives are different, "who are considered worthy of taking part in the age to come and in the resurrection of the dead will never marry nor be given in marriage, and they can no longer die; for they are like the angels. They are God's children, since they are children of the resurrection." Jesus is referring to what is of God versus what is of us. Marriage and having children are "of us," but what is "of God" is usually beyond our complete comprehension. It is "of us" to think questions like the Sadducees; what does happen to the widow who remarries after her first husband dies? It's bad enough for some to wonder and worry, "Where will we bury this lady? Next to Hubby One or next to Hubby Two? Hubby Three through Seven?!

Our family did not have that quandary. Nellie's grandmother lived to be 96 years young. She was widowed at a very young age. Her husband was shot and killed, by a killer who mistook him to be another man. She never remarried and had a solid belief that when she died she would be with her husband again, and forever. In fact, there was a night that she died, was prepared for burial as holding to the customs of the day, with no embalming, and she was dressed in a funeral dress. She remembers seeing her husband with his back to her and she calling to him, but he would glance back towards her and then shake his head no. She so wanted to be with him, but it was not yet time. She awoke during the wake and lived, like I said, until she was 96. Early in our marriage as I'm meeting her she offered to show me the burial dress to which I said that was okay, that I was fine with me. My mother-in-law was also widowed at a relatively young age and she also never remarried, for her desire was to be reunited with her husband.

What Jesus wanted the Sadducees and us to know, is that our God is the God of the living, for in Him all are alive. Jesus wisely goes back to Moses, since the Sadducees brought him up, and says, "Moses showed that the dead rise, for he calls the Lord ‘the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.' For Moses would not have referred to them in that way if they were dead. For Jesus the more important issue to address is the truth about life after death. His answer sought to address the whole driving force behind the Sadducees, and that was the notion that life ends with death. We are, as Jesus stated, "children of the resurrection."

PRAYER: Living God, let us live as children of the resurrection, filled with love and with hope. Help us share our faith with all people, so all might come to have faith in the one, true, living God; in Christ Jesus we pray, amen.

Have a great and blessed day in the Lord! YOUR CALL TO ACTION: Live as a child of the resurrection.

Receive my love and blessing of peace,

Pastor Eradio Valverde, Jr.

Thursday, October 27, 2022

God is Right

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Hear the devotional:

137 You are right and you do right, God; your decisions are right on target. 138 You rightly instruct us in how to live ever faithful to you. 139 My rivals nearly did me in, they persistently ignored your commandments. 140 Your promise has been tested through and through, and I, your servant, love it dearly. 141 I'm too young to be important, but I don't forget what you tell me. 142 Your righteousness is eternally right, your revelation is the only truth. 143 Even though troubles came down on me hard, your commands always gave me delight. 144 The way you tell me to live is always right; help me understand it so I can live to the fullest. (Psalm 119:137-144 The Message Bible)

Did you ever have to tell someone, "You were right?" And equally difficult for some, more so for others, "I was wrong!"? In my case it was my relationship with my Dad. Yes, pretty standard textbook case of father-son. I grew up loving and trusting my Dad, even idolizing him as a child. In my opinion as a child, my Dad could do no wrong. In fact, there was an old black and white TV show called, "Father Knows Best," and though it was a comedy, it had a moral every week, with the title of the show being the point. As I grew up I grew up with a certain sense of freedom as to who I was, where I could go, and what I could do. Kingsville and the era in which I grew up, lent itself to this being possible. I was raised as a child who loved the outdoors and Mom stressed the need for me to be outside, and so with my best friend, we pretty much explored Kingsville and the countryside outside it. Then I got my driver's license and the trouble began. Then I got a driver's license. And this thing called curfew. I had no voice nor vote in any such hour. And use of the car was limited to availability and authorization from Dad! Then the issue of my hair, my taste in music, the use of certain words, and the issue of my serving in the military given the undeclared war in Southeast Asia in a country named Vietnam. Later, as I became a father, we argued on how to discipline them. Suddenly, spanking was not to be considered an option for his granddaughters.

I'll make a long story short. I matured and prayerfully made the realization that my Dad was right in most things. The Psalmist was saying as much in this psalm as he realizes his life up to his point has been like that of most sons and fathers. He declares, "God, you are right, and you do right; Your decisions are right on target." All that God had instructed, and shown as the right way to live, were indeed correct. The psalmist knows that the key to life in the fullest was to follow the commandments of God. We may have had different lives, but we might have all gone through a progression of stages where we encountered God, fell in love with God, trusted God, then reached a stage where we thought we knew better and wandered off away from God, much like Israel and the people of God, we found ourselves in trouble, cried out to God and God heard us and rescued us, and we again trusted God with our very lives. And some repeat the same stages again and again. Yet, we must reach a point of maturity where we finally decide to toss aside the what-if's and why-not's and decided, I do love God, and I will trust God, and God will bless me, guide me, and one day lead me home.

The above I believe relates to those names which will be read this coming Sunday. The saints who have died in the Lord are enjoying their reward, and that is cause for celebration. Yes, our prayers and words of comfort and hope are necessary to bless them as they re-live the pain of loss, but may our lives give witness to the faith that sustained the saints while alive and in their hour of their death. May this passage bless our walk with God, so that we can bless others.

PRAYER: Loving Father, comfort and bless the hearts of all who mourn. May this Sunday's celebration of remembrance bring additional peace and hope to those whose hearts are missing members; and let our faith be increased and made shine as hope to others; in Christ Jesus we pray, amen.

Have a great and blessed day in the Lord! YOUR CALL TO ACTION: Act like a forgiven and reconciled child of God today!

Receive my blessings of love and peace,

Pastor Eradio Valverde, Jr.

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Where Are You, God?

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Hear the devotional here:

1 The oracle that the prophet Habakkuk saw. 2 O Lord, how long shall I cry for help, and you will not listen? Or cry to you "Violence!" and you will not save? 3 Why do you make me see wrongdoing and look at trouble? Destruction and violence are before me; strife and contention arise. 4 So the law becomes slack and justice never prevails. The wicked surround the righteous— therefore judgment comes forth perverted. 2:1 I will stand at my watchpost, and station myself on the rampart; I will keep watch to see what he will say to me, and what he will answer concerning my complaint. 2 Then the Lord answered me and said: Write the vision; make it plain on tablets, so that a runner may read it. 3 For there is still a vision for the appointed time; it speaks of the end, and does not lie. If it seems to tarry, wait for it; it will surely come, it will not delay. 4 Look at the proud! Their spirit is not right in them, but the righteous live by their faith. (Habakkuk 1:1-4, 2:1-4 New Revised Standard Version)

A blessed day for you, Friend, on this Wednesday! May it truly be a wonderful Wednesday in all respect and regards. Our prayers for Mr. Jorge Saenz who is having a tele-visit with his doctor about the results of a biopsy he underwent. Mr. Saenz had the tele-visit and found that the spot was cancerous. The doctor was grateful for the cardiologist who ordered an X-Ray that found the spot. The doctor believes it is Stage One, and that with surgery to remove that lump, there may not be a need for chemothereapy or radiation. The doctor will schedule the surgery soon and we pray for a successful removal and a complete healing of our brother, Jorge Saenz. I also heard from the brother of Rev. Arturo Perez, who suffered a stroke some time back, that he is not responding as he should and the family is asking for prayers. Please pray for healing of Rev. Perez and for the comfort of his family; wife, Sylvia, and their daughter and two sons, along with other family members who love Arturo. Let us continue to pray for one another, pray for those who have asked prayers of us; pray for the world and all its needs.

The hardest question anyone tries to answer from someone in need is the one that asks, Where was God when this happened? It is perhaps a question as old as time. Jesus heard it twice from the two sisters whose brother had died and he did not arrive in time to heal his disease. Jesus asks as He hangs from the cross, as He quotes Psalm 22, the same question. The prophet Habakkuk is asking the question on behalf of the people of God. "Why so much violence?" We are asking that question as we read day after day, of senseless shootings and murders of people in random places. The prophet even asks, in a selfish way, "Why do You make me see 'wrongdoing and look at trouble?'" The sight of destruction and violence seemed to be ever before him; as hatred demonstrated among people who should be loving each other increases. We even hear, "How come people don't seem to go to jail any more?" The prophet was asking that too. Yet, the prophet knew that God was still in control, and that patience would help him as he awaited God's answer for his questions, and remedies to the violence.

God answers and says, "Write the vision; make it plain on tablets, so that a runner may read it." The prophet's job was to speak on God's behalf and having a runner run from town to town with a tablet from which to read, would get God's word out sooner, rather than later. The message was clear, "There is still a vision for the appointed time; it speaks of the end, and does not lie. If it seems to tarry, wait for it; it will surely come, it will not delay." Again, God is in control, and God says that the needed action would happen in His time, not ours. He also says as we look to the proud and haughty, we can see their spirit is not right in them, but that those who know God, also known as the righteous, should live by faith, walking and trusting in faith. God will make all things right, at the right time. .

The graphic for today says it all; Faith during troubled times. Faith is the anchor that keeps us grounded when everything else seems to be floating away. Faith is that which provides hope when everyone else seems to have lost it. Faith is strength when stress and worry are weighing us down. It is the one or two who hold on with faith that many times bless the others who need to see faith in us.

PRAYER: Awesome God, grant us the faith that inspires others while fueling us to faithfulness. Help us be the examples others need as they see us. We want to glorify You as we serve You and praise You. We pray for healing of those who are ill, and comfort to those who mourn; in Christ Jesus we pray, amen.

Have a great and blessed day in the Lord. YOUR CALL TO ACTION: Be a faith bearer!

Receive my blessings of joy and peace,

Pastor Eradio Valverde, Jr,

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Worthy of the Calling?

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Hear the devotional here:

1 Paul, Silvanus, and Timothy, To the church of the Thessalonians in God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ: 2 Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. 3 We must always give thanks to God for you, brothers and sisters, as is right, because your faith is growing abundantly, and the love of everyone of you for one another is increasing. 4 Therefore we ourselves boast of you among the churches of God for your steadfastness and faith during all your persecutions and the afflictions that you are enduring. 11 To this end we always pray for you, asking that our God will make you worthy of his call and will fulfill by his power every good resolve and work of faith, 12 so that the name of our Lord Jesus may be glorified in you, and you in him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ. (2 Thessalonians 1:1-4, 11-12 NRSV)

A happy and blessed Tuesday to your, dear Friend. I pray that God bless you in wonderful and awesome ways, and that you do the same for Him! This coming Sunday most churches will commemorate All Saints Day, and the saints who died this year will be remembered. The one thing that I appreciated about our charge conferences when I was the district superintendent is that we would also ask for a reading of the names of those who had died since the last time we had been together. And to make it interesting one year, God had me ask, "Who is taking their place?" And it is still a great question as every year when a saint dies, they have left a vacancy that needs to be filled.

This passage emphasizes that indirectly; Paul, Silvanus, and Timothy, appreciate the church in Thessalonica (Now the modern city of Thessaloniki, Greece, which is now one of my favorite cities). These evangelists thanked God for these faithful and fruitful people because of their faith and, as one version called it, their perseverance in holding to what God had shared with them. Their love of "everyone" for "one another," remains a model for all churches. Their love increased each day. I know of some churches where love left a long time ago! And a church with little to no love, is not a growing church. In fact, their reason for existing is questioned. This morning I heard a story I had heard from Protestants, from a Jewish comedian. He told of a Jewish sailor who was shipwrecked and for thirty years lived alone on a deserted isle. When a passing steamship saw his fires they stopped to rescue him. His rescuers asked how he had survived. He credited his faith by exclaiming, "Let me show you" and walked them to a path which led to a clearing where there stood a magnificent synagogue. "Wow!", the rescuers exclaimed, "This is magnificent!" The man said, "It took me fifteen years to build!" Then he led them to another clearing and there the found another, super magnificent synagogue. "This worship space helped your faith as well?" the rescuers asked. "Why, I wouldn't dare set foot inside that church!" the rescued man exclaimed.

Are you one of the saints that blesses your church? Will your absence (Many years from now) be a difficult one to fill? Have you been ever faithful in spite of what has come in your life? Or, have you been alienated away from fruitfulness because of challenges? The Thessalonians were praised by Paul for their "steadfastness and faith during all (their) persecutions and the afflictions" that they were enduring. It was prayer, both personal and those of outsiders, like Paul, Silvanua, and Timothy, that kept the church going onward and upward. Paul's prayer included the request that God help them be "worthy of His call." Lord, how I relate to this need. Many pastors face doubt and even question their worthiness of being servants of the Lord. Many were the times I thought I would simply walk away and start over in a different line of work. I was shocked as I made friends among colleagues, how often they too thought about leaving ministry for something less stressful. I read of one who left ministry to become an undertaker because his new "Church" did not talk back, or question his every move." He also mentioned the dead were more cooperative.

Our weaknesses are known by our enemy and those are the areas he attacks. I believe if we know our weaknesses and turn those over to Jesus, He can make us stronger and more resistant to whatever wiles the devil may throw our way. I was told I would be a boring preacher by a fellow youth, and thank you very much, did that ever stay with me. I sought to study under my internship with the best preacher in our conference in those days, and he graciously agreed to mentor me. I was excited to be an intern under The Rev. Francisco Gaytan, and to do it in a church that would bless my life for many years, El Mesias UMC. As summer approached I got a call from Pancho and he said, "I have good news and bad news; which do you want to hear first?" Good news, of course. And those were that he was being made a DS and thus leaving at the time I would be starting my internship. (Those were the bad news), but it also meant that I would learn under The Rev. Jose Galindo, who had been the DS that Pancho would replace. I would end up doubly blessed as Pancho would be 5 miles away and I got to see him on a very regular basis. The blessing of Rev. Galindo was that he was an encourager and a man who understood where I was and so addressed my needs and the two helped me turn into an okay minister and preacher. Those two are now saints that I miss, but for whom I am eternally grateful. They made me worthy of my call, strengthened my power and helped in my work of faith.

May this be a week of our asking God to strengthen us and help us better understand the call to which we were called so that we may truly be worthy of that call.

PRAYER: Loving God, for those who have died this year in our churches, we thank You and ask Your comfort and peace on their families. We ask that we might find ways to fill all vacancies left by those who have been called home. We also ask that we might better understand our call and be made worthy by You; in Christ Jesus we pray, amen.

Have a great and blessed day in the Lord! YOUR CALL TO ACTION: Love those whom nobody seems to love, especially in your church! And while you're at it, love yourself in ways that glorify God!

Receive my love and blessings of peace,

Pastor Eradio Valverde, Jr.

PERSONAL PRIVILEGE: I am so thankful to God to having let me go around the sun 70 times! I am richly blessed by all the people in my life, including you all! God be glorified!

Monday, October 24, 2022

Wee, Wicked Man Was He!

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Hear the devotional here:

1 Jesus entered Jericho and was passing through. 2 A man was there by the name of Zacchaeus; he was a chief tax collector and was wealthy. 3 He wanted to see who Jesus was, but because he was short he could not see over the crowd. 4 So he ran ahead and climbed a sycamore-fig tree to see him, since Jesus was coming that way. 5 When Jesus reached the spot, he looked up and said to him, “Zacchaeus, come down immediately. I must stay at your house today.” 6 So he came down at once and welcomed him gladly. 7 All the people saw this and began to mutter, “He has gone to be the guest of a sinner.” 8 But Zacchaeus stood up and said to the Lord, “Look, Lord! Here and now I give half of my possessions to the poor, and if I have cheated anybody out of anything, I will pay back four times the amount.” 9 Jesus said to him, “Today salvation has come to this house, because this man, too, is a son of Abraham. 10 For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.” (Luke 19:1-10 New International Version of The Bible)

This passage makes me sing the song I learned in Sunday school and/or Vacation Bible School. It was a favorite of mine, and maybe of yours, too. Being a story in a children's song, we never realize the wickedness, selfishness, and other terrible things this man. whom we lovingly and fondly sing as being "wee," how could any wickedness come out of him?

Zacchaeus was a successful man. He was a chief tax collector. He had been promoted to being an overseer of other tax collectors. Now, you may remember that the Pharisees lumped the "sinners" that Jesus interacted with into three groups; prostitutes, tax collectors, and other sinners. If there was a top sin, for the Pharisee, it might just have been the tax collector. A tax collector was seen by the Israelites as a traitor or sell-out to the nation of Israel, because the tax collector is collecting money from the Jews to give to the Romans, the oppressive army that occupied Israel and were the conquerors who ruled Israel. The idea that a countryman would do such a job was a terrible idea, and even to the Pharisees. And, to make matters worse, the Roman oversees of tax collectors trained them in the ways to fulfill their quota as well as have "A little something to take home." Okay, I blame the overseers, but it might just as well have been the initiative of the tax collector himself, to ask the family that owed 30 coins, that they really owed 60, and in that way they could send to Rome the 30, and keep the other 30 for themselves. I heard a story about a woman from a Caribbean island who moved to Miami, and there went to a church where her country-people worshiped, and she told the pastor she was an employee of the I.R.S. and wanted to open an office there to better serve her people. The church rented her the office and she had a sign painter paint the official lettering that identified the office as being a sub-office of the IRS. She began to prey on the people of her church. She was employing the same tactics; "I understand, since I work for the IRS, that you owe the US government $2,100, but if you pay me $1,800, I can get the IRS off your back." So, the person believes that it's better to pay this lady cash than run the risk of getting the US government angry at you. Long story short, she was caught, and sent to prison.

To be fair, there was something moving in that wee little man. He had heard the rumblings of this traveling rabbi that was stirring things up against the establishment, and he may have even heard this man has some words of life, and the kind of life that doesn't end with death. The crowds that followed Jesus were growing, and the desire of the people was to see, hear, and maybe meet, Jesus. And so, as the news of Jesus' appearance in his town stirred Zacchaeus to climb up a sycamore-fig tree to get a better view of Jesus. As Jesus enters the city, he comes to the tree and calls Zac by name saying, "Zacchaeus, come down immediately. I must stay at your house today." So, Zac comes down gladly and opens his home to Jesus. Of course, the critics see this and begin their criticism, "He has gone to be the guest of a sinner." This spurs Zac into action and declares to the Lord, "Look, Lord! Here and now I give half of my possessions to the poor, and if I have cheated anybody out of anything, I will pay back four times the amount." Boom. A confession and a decision to make right whatever wrong he had done. He came to an important realization; that money cannot buy the things that really matter in life, such as being right with God. Zac knew to make right the wrongs he may have committed and this in order to be right before God and Jesus. Jesus declared, "Today salvation has come to this house, because this man, too, is a son of Abraham. For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost." And thus added to our list of questions we will have answered in Heaven; what happened to Zacchaeus and his life? How did it end? And was he truly justified before God?

The more important question is what has happened to us after our encounter with Jesus? Is our life any difference at all after we surrendered ourselves to the Lord? Or, are we still lost in sin?

PRAYER: Loving God, make right in me that which has been wrong for so long. Guide me to faithfulness and fruitfulness; in Christ Jesus we pray, amen.

Have a great and blessed day in the Lord! YOUR CALL TO ACTION: Spend time in relfection about your life and where you know God wants you to be.

Receive my blessings of joy and peace,

Pastor Eradio Valverde, Jr.

Thursday, October 20, 2022

Mountain-Maker, Sin-Forgiver!

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Hear the devotional here:

1 Silence is praise to you, Zion-dwelling God, And also obedience. 2 You hear the prayer in it all. We all arrive at your doorstep sooner or later, loaded with guilt, 3 Our sins too much for us - but you get rid of them once and for all. 4 Blessed are the chosen! Blessed the guest at home in your place! We expect our fill of good things in your house, your heavenly manse. 5 All your salvation wonders are on display in your trophy room. Earth-Tamer, Ocean-Pourer, 6 Mountain-Maker, Hill-Dresser, 7 Muzzler of sea storm and wave crash, of mobs in noisy riot - 8 Far and wide they'll come to a stop, they'll stare in awe, in wonder. Dawn and dusk take turns calling, "Come and worship." 9 Oh, visit the earth, ask her to join the dance! Deck her out in spring showers, fill the God-River with living water. Paint the wheat fields golden. Creation was made for this! 10 Drench the plowed fields, soak the dirt clods With rainfall as harrow and rake bring her to blossom and fruit. 11 Snow-crown the peaks with splendor, scatter rose petals down your paths, 12 All through the wild meadows, rose petals. Set the hills to dancing, 13 Dress the canyon walls with live sheep, a drape of flax across the valleys. Let them shout, and shout, and shout! Oh, oh, let them sing! (Psalm 65 The Message Bible)

A most tremendous Thursday to you, dear Friend is my prayer for you. May the blessings of the Lord enrich your life and make you a willing and faithful witness to His love. Please continue to pray for one another; pray for the strangers in your midst, pray for those whom no one else sees, pray for the ones no one else wants.

This evening, a Wednesday, I was talking to my granddaughter who shares the 25th of October as our birthday, and I asked her if she had homework. She said, "No, it's Wednesday, we don't have homework on Wednesday!" I smiled and said as I remembered that Wednesday way back, once upon a time, was designated a "church night," because most churches back then had mid-week worship services. I was pastor in Mission, where our Eliana lives, and during my tenure there, most churches had mid-week services. During those days, Sunday nights were for worship as well. And this passage is about worship and praise time and is begins with some things we seldom contemplate as worship; silence and obedience. Silence is golden, or so goes the saying, and can we imagine how golden if we set aside silence as a time with God? Oh, the things we could hear and receive from God in the silence. And obedience as praise, we have to admit that it is! To do as God directs is a sincere form of praise. Both, says the psalmist, are forms of prayer. And prayer is the first step to our being forgiven of our sins and relieved of our guilt. And with good reason, for the heaviness of our sins is way too much for us to bear without any recourse; yet, God is there, with His power, to rid us of those sins, and fills us with all good things. And all this from God, whose modern titles in this version of the Bible say a lot: "Earth-Tamer, Ocean-Pourer, Mountain-Maker, Hill-Dresser, Muzzler of sea storm and wave crash, of mobs in noisy riot."

When we consider all that God has done, we should join with all creation in our praise of God. Remember, we started the week learning about the two prayers offered in the temple. One was sincere and honest, the other a self-promoting arrogance and pride. Then, the time spent with the Apostle Paul as he pondered the end of his life and a reflection of what he has done for the Lord. Add to that the list of sins that God has forgiven of me, and those forgiven of you. "Creation was made for this!" Let the praising begin!

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, may we make time for true worship and praise of You. May we make silence and obedience rituals of our praise and worship. Guide us to full obedience and praise; in Christ Jesus we pray, amen.

Have a great and blessed day in the Lord! YOUR CALL TO ACTION: Spend some time in silence today. Listen closely to God.

Receive my blessings of peace and joy,

Pastor Eradio Valverde, Jr.

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Our God is a God of Hope

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Hear the devotional:

27 "Be ready. The time's coming" - God's Decree - "when I will plant people and animals in Israel and Judah, just as a farmer plants seed. 28 And in the same way that earlier I relentlessly pulled up and tore down, took apart and demolished, so now I am sticking with them as they start over, building and planting. 29 "When that time comes you won't hear the old proverb anymore, Parents ate the green apples, their children got the stomachache. 30 "No, each person will pay for his own sin. You eat green apples, you're the one who gets sick. 31 "That's right. The time is coming when I will make a brand-new covenant with Israel and Judah. 32 It won't be a repeat of the covenant I made with their ancestors when I took their hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt. They broke that covenant even though I did my part as their Master." God's Decree. 33 "This is the brand-new covenant that I will make with Israel when the time comes. I will put my law within them - write it on their hearts! - and be their God. And they will be my people. 34 They will no longer go around setting up schools to teach each other about God. They'll know me firsthand, the dull and the bright, the smart and the slow. I'll wipe the slate clean for each of them. I'll forget they ever sinned!" God's Decree. If This Ordered Cosmos Ever Fell to Pieces (Jeremiah 31:27-34 The Message Bible)

A most wonderful of Wednesday for you dear Friend, is my prayer for you. I shared with you the unexpected news about my friend, Rev. Chabelo Gomez, and I remember meeting him while a youth and he was there for me all during my years in the Rio Grande Conference. Sadly, the last time I saw him was at our friend Daniel Soliz' funeral not too long ago. May God's comfort and peace be with Chabelo. Nellie and I were blessed to visit his household when his wife, Katy, was under hospice care herself. I know Chabelo longs for that reunion. Also, we praise and thank God for the amazing recovery in Mr. Doug Copeland's life while recovering at his mother's home here in Seguin.

If we misbehave, we know we face consequences. I remember my first year of freedom and the many things that I did that I know I should not have done. My parents dropped me off at my dormitory at Lon Morris College, in Jacksonville, Texas, just as school was to start. All my earthly belongings fit in the truck of their old Chevrolet. That includes my clothing, shoes, and my most precious possession, the high school graduation gift of a Radio Shack stereo system. And of course, my very precious and limited collection of vinyl records. Kids, ask your parents about record albums, or visit a Target store's music section and you'll see some new albums, but take away a digit from the price and you'll see what we used to pay for our albums. I carried my stuff upstairs, and walked back outside. An upperclassman from New Mexico asked if I wanted to go to the movies. I started to say, "Let me go ask permi-," and laughed, "I don't need permission, yes, I'll go." I went on my first outing and did not need permission. Somehow, I was placed in the roughest of the dorms on that small campus. I met some of the most incredibly creative and mischievous students I had ever met. Please keep in mind that I was in the GT program all of my life. The Gordo y Travieso program (Fat and Mischievous). One night I decided it was my turn to do something that would help keep dorm life interesting. Kids, I am not advocating such behavior for you! But I took the recycling bin and put the contents of said bin into a clothes dryer and put in my two quarters (yes, that's how old I am) and pressed Play. Okay, it was really Start, but you get it. Long story short, I'm in the Dean of Students Office not too long after. Actually, I was there with two or three other misbehaving colleagues, in the presence of the Dean himself, The Reverend Virgil Matthews, who also held the title of Pre-Ministerial Program Director, professor of Bible, etc. I faced expulsion from the school. And then facing the wrath of my mother and father, who were counting on their eldest son to do right by them by being the first in the family to attend college. And here I was supposedly studying for ministry and I was a law-breaker, okay rule breaker. My mind and heart raced, for I knew I deserved whatever the Dean meted out as fair justice for my deeds. Yes, I was praying, bur realizing in my heart that I deserved nothing special, just strength to pack and go home, find another college willing to accept a prankster, who might also have to renegotiate with God about what true calling I might really have.

The Reverend Dean Virgil Matthew could not have been more gracious. He gave me another chance with a stern "You should know better" talk. He could have called my Dad who would have driven up from Houston and murdered me, but he didn't. He could have called my Mom who would have cried for days, and she would have murdered me as well; but he didn't. He gave me another chance. God is like that and that's why God called such selfless, sweet men to be pastors, and deans.

God is a God who plants and expects a harvest from each planting that He does. God took a chance on me, as God has taken a chance on you. This is the message of this passage. God can and sometimes does rip up His plantings, but that's only when the seeds have done nothing or care nothing about what they were supposed to do. That's usually the last straw as far as God is concerned, but in this passage, the prophet is declaring hope to the hopeless, and a future to those wandering lost and away from God. In fact, the more classic versions of this passage say the parents eat the sour grapes and their children get the stomachache. God says in verse 30, "No, each person will pay for his own sin. You eat green apples, you're the one who gets sick." and that God will establish a "brand-new covenant with Israel and Judah." This new covenant will emphasize the importance of personal relationships with God instead of pointing at others and expecting a protection of sorts; everyone must answer for themselves, God is declaring. People will come to know God personally; all who desire that relationship will know God, and like only God can do (and sweet, thoughtful deans), declare the slate wiped clean. "I'll forget they even sinned!" Amen.

PRAYER: Awesome God, how great is Thy love for us, that You grant us second, third and one mission chances to start new; and You, Who have the only authority to do so, wipe clean the slate. Forgive us, and allow us to come to know You personally. In Christ Jesus we pray, amen.

Have a great and blessed day in the Lord! YOUR CALL TO ACTION: Ask God for a second chance on something you know you should not have done!

Receive my love and blessings for joy,

Pastor Eradio Valverde

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

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6 As for me, I am already being poured out as a libation, and the time of my departure has come. 7 I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. 8 From now on there is reserved for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, will give me on that day, and not only to me but also to all who have longed for his appearing.16 At my first defense no one came to my support, but all deserted me. May it not be counted against them! 17 But the Lord stood by me and gave me strength, so that through me the message might be fully proclaimed and all the Gentiles might hear it. So I was rescued from the lion's mouth. 18 The Lord will rescue me from every evil attack and save me for his heavenly kingdom. To him be the glory forever and ever. Amen. (2 Timothy 4:6-8, 16-18 NRSV)

A blessed and terrific Tuesday to you, dear Friend May the rich and unexpected blessings of the Lord fill you with joy and peace. I share a great update that our brother, Mr. Doug Copeland, is at home now from the hospital, recovering with his mother. Pray that his recovery is complete and prompt. I also spoke with The Rev. John Alsbrooks, and his surgical procedure went well and he awaits word from the lab as to what may is next. We pray that nothing be next in terms of results of this lab study, in the name of Jesus! Pray for one another. Pray for the needs of the world

We are reading the last words of the Apostle Paul as he is aware that he will suffer death at the hands of the Roman government because of his faith. He knew coming in that this would be his fate, along with all the additional suffering that would be his, and still he said yes to the Lord Jesus. And we know people that when they discover they must attend meetings of the church decide they've had enough of the Christian faith! Yet Paul knew what awaited him, and more importantly, Who awaited him. He had seen the Risen Christ, had his faith blessed by Him and so, death was a welcome thing in his life. He knew his life would not end with the swift sword of a Roman soldier. What would your final words be? Would you have a sense of satisfaction that you had been faithful and fruitful to the call of Jesus to be His disciple? Have you finished the race and kept the faith? Have you fought the good fight?

This passage brought to mind a meeting with a church member one day. She has asked to meet with me and she began by saying she never in her life thought she would lose her church to a Mexican. (Hint: Not a good way to start any meeting, or a day for that matter!) She said she had not yet heard any of my sermons but that her "sermons" were to stare at "the beautiful stain glass we have in our church." This gave her away. "And," she added, "sometimes I just sleep, and it's the most wonderful sleep." I interrupted her and had to ask, "Sister, are you saved? I mean, have you surrendered your heart to Jesus?" She was immediately insulted, "Why no one has ever dared to ask me that question before!" I said "I ask because I am your pastor, and one day I will stand next to you in the presence of God and I will have to answer what I shared with you to help you better live your life and serve God." At that point whe was not having any more of me, and stormed out of my office. I knew what was next and I was right. There was under my door the very next morning a copy of her letter to the Staff Parish Relations Committee that outlined our meeting and how disgusted she was with me and my question. I should have added I was praying the whole time asking God to give me a heart to love this woman, and reading the letter I intensified my prayer! It would be only a couple of Sundays later that she was the last person to walk through the line where I shook hands with people after worship. I began my prayer again. But to my shock and pleasant surprise, she hugged me tightly and said it was the most wonderful sermon she had ever heard! I wanted to ask what had happened to the real church member that had sat in my office not too many days before? She apologized and from that point on was always telling me how wonderfully I had preached. It wasn't me. It was God. God can and does do some amazing things. Paul knew that. You know that too.

For us, the race is still on. The fight is not over. Our faith is there to keep us and for us to keep it as well. What comes next Paul says is that when it is our time, we will receive a crown of righteousness, if we have "longed for His appearing." Paul then shares his sorrow that no one came to his defense at the first part of the trial he stood. Quite the opposite, those who may have said they were supporting him, ran! Paul did not hold this against them, because God stood by him and gave him strength as He has done for us. While we may not face "the lion's mouth," God is still with us as we may face the mouths of those who oppose us and our faith; and God rescues us every time! Our work is far from over and there is still much to do, so that all people may come to hear and know of God's love for them. God is with us and will give us the words to reach the world.

PRAYER: Awesome God, come to us when we need You and grant to us what we need to do the task You have entrusted to us; in Christ Jesus we pray, amen.

Have a great and blessed day in the Lord! YOUR CALL TO ACTION: Share Jesus!

Receive my blessings of joy and love,

Pastor Eradio Valverde, Jr.

Monday, October 17, 2022

Glad I'm Not You!

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9 To some who were confident of their own righteousness and looked down on everyone else, Jesus told this parable: 10 “Two men went up to the temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector. 11 The Pharisee stood by himself and prayed: ‘God, I thank you that I am not like other people—robbers, evildoers, adulterers—or even like this tax collector. 12 I fast twice a week and give a tenth of all I get.’ 13 “But the tax collector stood at a distance. He would not even look up to heaven, but beat his breast and said, ‘God, have mercy on me, a sinner.’ 14 “I tell you that this man, rather than the other, went home justified before God. For all those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.” (Luke 18:9-14 NIV)

The Church attracts all sorts of people. In fact, all religious organizations have the same effect. And that in and of itself, is not a bad thing; it is best to be where Christ is being shared because one day one of those "interesting" people may just hear the word needed to allow Jesus to change their lives. It happened to me. It may have happened to you. And, if it hasn't happened yet, keep coming and praying! Yet, there may be some who will never hear, never change; but we do not give up hope for those.

I'm old enough to remember the days when the churches were full. And not only full, but filled with men and boys wearing suits. Yes, coats and ties. The women and girls would wear dresses. And while this was not a bad thing, those who wore those clothing sometimes pointed out or even stopped those without the "proper" clothing, and would run those lesser dressed, out. An old joke from that time was told about a poor family who moved to a small community and began attending the Methodist Church. The family could not afford the "proper" clothing and so the ladies of the church, while delighted their attendance was up, collected money and bought the children new clothing and shoes. The next Sunday they anxiously awaited the arrival of the kids dressed ready for church. They waited and waited. Sunday School started and ended, as did the worship service. Monday a couple of the ladies made a house call. The mother of the kids said, "When we saw how nice the kids looked we decided they would look better at the Episcopal Church and so we went them there!"

Jesus encountered these people, and He loved them all; but His mission was to get their hearts and spirits right before the Lord, and this parable was such an attempt. Two men, said Jesus, were at the temple praying. One was a Pharisee and the other, boo!, was a tax collector. The Pharisee, standing alone, prayed aloud, "God, I thank You that I am not like other people --- robbers, evildoers, adulterers--or even like this man, a tax collector. I fast twice a week and give my tithe, ten percent of all I get." The tax collector and everyone within the temple heard that prayer, because it was lifted up not to God but to public attention, so the tax collector could not even look up toward Heaven but began to beat his chest and said, "God, have mercy on me, a sinner." Amen.

Jesus declares that the prayer of the tax collector allowed him to be justified before God. The "prayer" of the Pharisee was more a public declaration of perfection, albeit self-declared perfection, and not a sincere, from-the-heart reflection on need and sin before God. There was no confession of fault, rather a hot air exhuast of his perception of adherance to the law rather than faith in the living God. Even his remark about being better than the tax collector was not acceptable, for he was not showing compassion towards others. Prayer is that which can help us alter our lives in the presence of God, Whom we know wants us to help others along the way. The Church has far too many "Pharisees" even now; what we need are people with contrite hearts like the tax collector.

PRAYER: Loving God, grant us the hearts of flesh that know we need You and need to seek You. Grant us also hearts of love to love all people, even those who disagree with us; in Christ Jesus we pray, amen.

Have a great and blessed day in the Lord! YOUR CALL TO ACTION: Pray more with the desires that God has placed in your heart!

Receive my love and peace,

Pastor Eradio Valverde, Jr.

PRAYERS FOR ME as today I will be in New Braunfels at Walgreens on 1160 I-35 Business Loop helping people with insurance needs from 9 am until 1 pm, and Tuesday will find me in Gonzales at H-E-B also 9 am until 1 pm. Thursday at H-E-B in Seguin from 1 pm until 5 pm.

Thursday, October 13, 2022

The Outpouring of God's Holy Spirit

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23 O children of Zion, be glad and rejoice in the Lord your God; for he has given the early rain for your vindication, he has poured down for you abundant rain, the early and the later rain, as before. 24 The threshing floors shall be full of grain, the vats shall overflow with wine and oil. 25 I will repay you for the years that the swarming locust has eaten, the hopper, the destroyer, and the cutter, my great army, which I sent against you. 26 You shall eat in plenty and be satisfied, and praise the name of the Lord your God, who has dealt wondrously with you. And my people shall never again be put to shame. 27 You shall know that I am in the midst of Israel, and that I, the Lord, am your God and there is no other. And my people shall never again be put to shame. 28 Then afterward I will pour out my spirit on all flesh; your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, and your young men shall see visions. 29 Even on the male and female slaves, in those days, I will pour out my spirit. 30 I will show portents in the heavens and on the earth, blood and fire and columns of smoke. 31 The sun shall be turned to darkness, and the moon to blood, before the great and terrible day of the Lord comes. 32 Then everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved; for in Mount Zion and in Jerusalem there shall be those who escape, as the Lord has said, and among the survivors shall be those whom the Lord calls. (Joel 2:23-32 New Revised Standard Version Bible)

The prophet Joel was the second among the minor prophets. His name combines the name of God, YHWH, and El, and comes out meaning "One to whom YHWH is God," or worshiper of God." He is perhaps better known for part of this passage being included in Peter's first sermon on the Day of Pentecost. Being a prophet, Joel spoke for God, and usually the sermon message given to the prophet to give to the people ran along the lines of "behave!" One of my favorite Farside comics was of a Dalmatian preaching from the pulpit and he is saying, "...And He said unto them: Bad dogs! No, no!'" (I had already typed in my recollection when I did a Google search and found it). But, along with the message calling for obedience, God would include the hope that was coming with it. The message was for the people of God to be glad and to rejoice in the Lord because God was still in HIs throne and still doing what He does; care for His people. God has provided an early rain, along with early and later rain. The promise of grain bins being filled and the threshing floors being full of grain; the wine vats will be overflowing with wine and oil, and a reparation from God was coming to repay all that had been lost during the presence of all pestilence. This would mean that stomachs will be filled, and you will eat as you praise the Lord.

Then the forthcoming prophetic word that spoke to Peter, who went defending the actions of those filled with the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost (Acts 2), he knew that what the prophet spoke some 800 years earlier was now fulfilling, for he saw what was happening among the twelve, speaking in other languages and sharing prophecies. The promise from God was that the movement of the Holy Spirit as a power for the salvation of the world. It is the movement of God to work beyond the Church to establish it, guide it, and empower it to conquer sin and death through the message we share of Jesus. The Church must prepare the world for the coming of the Lord again, thus the references to the warning signs that the Prophet Joel shared of "The sun shall be turned to darkness, and the moon to blood, before the great and terrible day of the Lord comes." Then the hope, "Then everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved."

You and I have a lot of work to do as we carry on what God wants; the repenting of our sins; the turning away from our sinful ways, and our surrendering to the Lord and the inviting of others to join us in seeking the fullness of life. The prophet Joel shared from God that we would need God's power in the Holy Spirit to be faithful and fruitful. We are needed, and we are welcome to do what we have been called to do. If we feel weak or timid, or unable to do the tasks, Jesus sent us His Holy Spirit to guide us and bless us to bless others. All we have to do is ask.

PRAYER: Loving God, bless us with the gift of the Holy Spirit so that we can have the strength, boldness, courage and wisdom we need to do Thy will; in Christ Jesus we pray, amen!

Have a great and blessed day in the Lord! YOUR CALL TO ACTION: Be faithful and fruitful as you share God's love!

Receive my blessings of love and peace,

Pastor Eradio Valverde

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

You Know What to Do. Do It!

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Hear the devotional here:

1 Don't be naive. There are difficult times ahead. 2 As the end approaches, people are going to be self-absorbed, money-hungry, self-promoting, stuck-up, profane, contemptuous of parents, crude, coarse, 3 dog-eat-dog, unbending, slanderers, impulsively wild, savage, cynical, 4 treacherous, ruthless, bloated windbags, addicted to lust, and allergic to God. 5 They'll make a show of religion, but behind the scenes they're animals. Stay clear of these people. 6 These are the kind of people who smooth-talk themselves into the homes of unstable and needy women and take advantage of them; women who, depressed by their sinfulness, take up with every new religious fad that calls itself "truth." 7 They get exploited every time and never really learn. 8 These men are like those old Egyptian frauds Jannes and Jambres, who challenged Moses. They were rejects from the faith, twisted in their thinking, defying truth itself. 9 But nothing will come of these latest impostors. Everyone will see through them, just as people saw through that Egyptian hoax. 10 You've been a good apprentice to me, a part of my teaching, my manner of life, direction, faith, steadiness, love, patience, 11 troubles, sufferings - suffering along with me in all the grief I had to put up with in Antioch, Iconium, and Lystra. And you also well know that God rescued me! 12 Anyone who wants to live all out for Christ is in for a lot of trouble; there's no getting around it. 13 Unscrupulous con men will continue to exploit the faith. They're as deceived as the people they lead astray. As long as they are out there, things can only get worse. 14 But don't let it faze you. Stick with what you learned and believed, sure of the integrity of your teachers - 15 why, you took in the sacred Scriptures with your mother's milk! There's nothing like the written Word of God for showing you the way to salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. 16 Every part of Scripture is God-breathed and useful one way or another - showing us truth, exposing our rebellion, correcting our mistakes, training us to live God's way. 17 Through the Word we are put together and shaped up for the tasks God has for us. 1 I can't impress this on you too strongly. God is looking over your shoulder. Christ himself is the Judge, with the final say on everyone, living and dead. He is about to break into the open with his rule, 2 so proclaim the Message with intensity; keep on your watch. Challenge, warn, and urge your people. Don't ever quit. Just keep it simple. 3 You're going to find that there will be times when people will have no stomach for solid teaching, but will fill up on spiritual junk food - catchy opinions that tickle their fancy. 4 They'll turn their backs on truth and chase mirages. 5 But you - keep your eye on what you're doing; accept the hard times along with the good; keep the Message alive; do a thorough job as God's servant. (2 Timothy 3:`14-4:5 The Message Bible)

A blessed and wondrous Wednesday to you, dear Friend, is my prayer for you. I ask prayers for Mr. Doug Copeland, who's in the hospital in San Marcos, TX, with severe breathing problems. Doug lost his wife not too long ago, and was also furloughed from his job and needs our prayers. Prayers for his daughter and Doug's mother who is retired pastor, Rev. Patricia Jentsch, of Seguin. We believe in an awesome God who can do awesome and amazing things. Those of you who hear my podcast edition of this devotional sometimes get bonus material, such as the unexpected blessing of a free ride to the airport yesterday (Monday) morning. It's a long story involving a sketchy "Uber" driver who showed up at 4 am somehow knowing we were not going to get an official Uber driver and wanted to drive us to the airport for "cheaper money." Uh huh, since when is $70 cheaper than $40? Nellie nor I were very trusting of this individual and we headed inside the hotel lobby. A bus driver from another company had pulled up and asked about airport connections? We shook our heads no, and we were inside. The bus driver then came into the lobby and said, "God sent me to tell you that I'm taking you to the airport for free." Huh? And that's how we got to the airport! God is so good!

This passage sums up how the Apostle Paul saw his era. Interesting that it mirrors our time as well. The older evangelist telling the younger one that their work was cut out for them. I can make a list of the things Paul shares and you see we have the same issues before us today: self-absorbed people? Check. Money-hungry? Check. Self-promoting? Double check. Stuck-up? Yes. Profane. Contemptouous of parents, curde, coarse, dog-eat-dog, unbending, slanderers, impulsively wild, savage, cynical, treacherous, ruthless, bloated windbags, addicted to lust, and allergic to God? Yes to all. And the remarks that follow about making a show of religion, yet they're animals behind the scenes. Pray for these people, but steer clear of them. Their actions versus their faith will give them away. Nothing good will come of these people and their way of life.

Paul stresses that the Word of God is what will help us during these difficult times. Starting with verse 14 onward, the Apostle is stressing that for this young man to face and be victorious over the times, he should "Stick with what you learned and believed, sure of the integrity of your teachers - Why, you took in the sacred Scriptures with your mother's milk! There's nothing like the written Word of God for showing you the way to salvation through faith in Christ Jesus." Then, the famous, most often quoted, "Every part of Scripture is God-breathed and useful one way or another - showing us truth, exposing our rebellion, correcting our mistakes, training us to live God's way." In our denomination, as was true for others, a huge debate has been going on about the place and authority of Scripture. Within the United Methodist Church, many churches have already voted and announced their decisiion to disaffiliate from the UMC and either join the new Global Methodist Church or become independent. The entire UMC of Bulgaria has announced they have left the UMC and their conference will become Global. The Philippines also has a number of churches that will become independent of the UMC. Within the United States several churches have also voted to disaffiliate from the UMC. The question being asked, and that has been debated for many years, What authority does scripture still hold in our church? A long time friend and reader of ConCafe called me earlier this evening to share her feelings about regional meetings that are taking place where denominational leaders are sharing their views on why everyone should stay in the UMC rather than go to the GMC. And the leaders of GMC are holding similar meetings where they shave shared their views. The friend attended the UMC meeting and was very upset over what this denominational leader shared about the Bible. In what was shared with me by my friend, I told my friend that the leader was quoting from a book from another denominational leader on scripture. Time nor space does not allow for an adequate presentation of that book's purpose or the denominational leader's views; but Paul's straight forward letter to his protege is simple; you know what to do, do it. You were taught by the best, with love, do the same with others. Teach that God is love, and calls us to love all people in ways that help them know the love of God. We were called out of sin, into the fullness of love, and we should join hands and hearts to continue that work, so that all the world may know God's love.

We are called to beware of those who "Have no stomach for solid teaching," but instead fill up on "spiritual junk food," which Paul calls, "Catchy opinions that tickle their fancy." From seeking truth they instead chase mirages; we are to called to keep our eye on the prize; winning the world for Christ Jesus.

PRAYER: Loving God, we seek to do what we have been taught; may we reach the world for You, with Your leading and inspiration; we have much to do. Guide us and bless us; and we also pray for Doug's healing and for him to find employment; bless his heart and mind, bless his daughter, and bless Rev. Patricia as she faithfully cares for her son and granddaughter, in Christ Jesus we pray, amen.

Have a great and blessed day in the Lord. YOUR CALLTO ACTION: You know what to do, do it!

Receive my love and blessings for peace,

Pastor Eradio Valverde

Tuesday, October 11, 2022


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1 After this, Jesus traveled about from one town and village to another, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom of God. The Twelve were with him, 2 and also some women who had been cured of evil spirits and diseases: Mary (called Magdalene) from whom seven demons had come out; 3 Joanna the wife of Chuza, the manager of Herod’s household; Susanna; and many others. These women were helping to support them out of their own means. 4 While a large crowd was gathering and people were coming to Jesus from town after town, he told this parable: 5 “A farmer went out to sow his seed. As he was scattering the seed, some fell along the path; it was trampled on, and the birds ate it up. 6 Some fell on rocky ground, and when it came up, the plants withered because they had no moisture. 7 Other seed fell among thorns, which grew up with it and choked the plants. 8 Still other seed fell on good soil. It came up and yielded a crop, a hundred times more than was sown.”When he said this, he called out, “Whoever has ears to hear, let them hear.” (Luke 18:1-8 New International Version Bible)

The majority of Jesus' ministry took place outside the established Church. Judaism is very much a home-based expression of faith, with many of the rituals and expressions of that faith practiced inside the home and away from the temple or synagogue. The major holy celebrations and feasts are meant for corporate celebration inside the walls of the church. The passage shares how Jesus went from town to town, preaching on the good news of the Kingdom of God. The disciples were with Him as were some women who had been delivered of evil spirits and illnesses. We are introduced to Mary Magdalene, who, Luke says, had seven demons removed from her. For those of you who watched The Chosen, the tv drama about Jesus, will remember the incredible transformation that she underwent from pre-demon possession to post-demon possession. I believe the portrayal of that was pretty close to the truth. Also, present was Joanna, who was the wife of Herod's household manager for Herod the king. And with a large crowd gathered, Jesus delivers His Parable of the Sower.

The Church attacts all sorts of people. None of them perfect, but most have been touched or redeemed by the grace of God. They come in all shapes and sizes, hues and colors, backgrounds and pedigrees. Some come with wants and needs; others just come. Habit or tradition; but don't get me wrong, they're in the right place for something special to happen. If you're hungry and walk into a restaurant, chances are you might get fed. But, again, don't get me wrong, going to church isn't always about you getting fed. I'll make it clearer; church isn't about you. It's about God and whatever God is up to in your life. (And most of what He's up to could be happening outside the church!) In this passage, Jesus knew from His experience of preaching the good news, how some people receive the gospel and how some do not. Jesus knew that whenever people gather for worship and learning, these things do actually happen.

Jesus speaks first about this sower sowing seed, which fell upon the path, where it was trampled on and the birds ate that up. Some seed fell among rocky ground, and when it tried to blossom, it couldn't for it lacked the soil in which to take root. Some seeds fell among thorns and when it grew, it was choked by the thorns. Still, some fell on good soil and that came up and yielded a crop, "A hundred times more than was sown." Jesus concludes with, "Whoever has ears to hear, let them hear." Jesus knew His audience, and even now. The first seek could be compared to those who come to worship and hear teachings about God, but their attention is always on the little screen of their smart phone. No seed can penetrate a closed mind, or a mind concentrating on something else. Others come and focus on the worries they brought in from home or work or school. They don't listen as they should, and so they let their worries stress them. The other seed that God would plant in our hearts has to share room with the temptations and attractions of the world and soon the outside influences win out over whatever God has tried to share. Then there are those who come with sincere hearts with genuine needs that feed on what God shares and so they listen, receive, and produce fruit for they take what they learned and share it with others, and they share it with others, and soon, as Jesus said, the crop is far more than was initially sown because folks who share blessings bless others and so the kingdom grows in that way. If this has spoken to you, take heed.

PRAYER: Loving God of the Harvest, share Your word with us all, and let us receive it with joy and wisdom; let us not keep it to ourselves, but let us lovingly share it with many, to grow the kingdom; in Christ Jesus we pray, amen.

Have a great and blessed day in the Lord! YOUR CALL TO ACTION: Share a word of good news witih those who need to hear it!

Receive my blessings of joy and peace,

Pastor Eradio Valverde

Dear friends, again I thank you for your understanding. Nellie and I were out-of-town yesterday and our Sunday night grew long and we went to sleep as soon as we got to the room, and this morning at 3 am we got up to make our way to the airport. I shall attempt to catch up so that my teachers and librarians can hear this devotional! God bless you all!

Wednesday, October 05, 2022

Lay Down Roots (Even if You Have to Move!)

:Image from

Hear the devotional here:

1 This is the letter that the prophet Jeremiah sent from Jerusalem to what was left of the elders among the exiles, to the priests and prophets and all the exiles whom Nebuchadnezzar had taken to Babylon from Jerusalem, 4 This is the Message from God-of-the-Angel-Armies, Israel's God, to all the exiles I've taken from Jerusalem to Babylon: 5 "Build houses and make yourselves at home. "Put in gardens and eat what grows in that country. 6 "Marry and have children. Encourage your children to marry and have children so that you'll thrive in that country and not waste away. 7 "Make yourselves at home there and work for the country's welfare. "Pray for Babylon's well-being. If things go well for Babylon, things will go well for you." (Jeremiah 29:1, 4-7 The Message Bible)

Happy Wednesday, dear Friend! I pray this finds you being wonderful and bubbling with joy and peace! Amen? AMEN! Let us pray for one another; praying for those who have asked prayers of us, and may God bless them. I ask prayers for a dear friend, The Rev. Rob Clopton, retired pastor, who has a consultation with a surgeon in Houston with a surgeon this coming Monday. While we might shrug and say, "Ugh," Rob is thankful because a year or so ago, he was NOT a candidate for surgery! So, God is working and doing much in his life; may this surgery bring Rob complete healing and peace! Pray for the world and its needs. Pray for your church and her mission to the world; pray for all, I repeat, ALL the pastors you know! Even the old, worn-out ones, like yours truly! God's not through with them(us)!

If you had had a chance to talk to the 9 or 10 year old me and told me there was a whole nudder world out there, I would have probably said, uh, maybe, sure; but I didn't know from personal experience. I had traveled from Kingsville to San Antonio, and to Mission, to Bishop, and Rivera, Texas. Had you said, "You will see many places, talk to many people, and help people know about God's love through Jesus Christ, I would have run either to Tranquitas Creek, or to hide under my house, which was on blocks. I felt safe there. Had you told me I would marry a beautiful girl and have beautiful children and beautiful grandchildren, I would have dug a hole in which to hide! I was at home right where I was and as far as I knew my world was perfect! My father had a great job delivering milk and ice cream, and I was 100% certain that would be my job someday as well. I knew and loved my neighbors even the weird, stay-to-themselves-ones who seldom ventured outside. I loved my church, my pastor, my Sunday school teacher, my Methodist friends, and the world was a beautiful place. Now had you told me that at the age of 13 my life would be uprooted and some years later I would find myself not owning a home but instead living and moving from parsonage to parsonage, I would have run! Fast and far! Why? Because no one likes to be uprooted and transplanted in another area.

Such is what the prophet Jeremiah is facing as he writes this letter to the exiles, the uprooted Jews who were taken against their will to Babylon. And while most of the immigrants would have preferred a "Ye shall soon return home" message, this one says quite the opposite. God is telling them to set down roots and to flourish where they are. Again, not what they wanted to hear. I'm old enough, as are some of you, to remember the huge exodus of Cubans from their island and found a place to await the day when they could return home. This happened in the late 50s, early 60s, and one of my pastors there in Kingsville was one who left everything there and thought deep in their hearts and souls that the day would come that Fidel Castro would be deposed and a democratic style of government would return and everyone who left could return home. My pastor died some years ago and was buried in the Dallas area. His wife died not too long ago, and she is buried beside him. And thousands of expatriates of Cuba have also died. And also Fidel Castro died, and his government is still in charge of Cuba. To the credit of those who were transplanted, like my father and mother, my pastor and his wife and their children; they built houses and made themselves at home. They did all the passage says, gardens, their children married and had children and pretty much thrived in this new land. And, possible to the shock of these Jews, God tells them to pray for Babylon's well-being, and the promise, that "if things go well for Babylon, things will go well for you."

Just yesterday my bride and I were talking about our ministerial years and how a couple of times the spouse of another pastor, asked if we would consider trading places. They were unhappy with their assignment and wanted a change and our locale would serve them better. It doesn't work that way, my wife wanted to tell them, because this conversation was among spouses sharing their wishes and preferences, and two of them wanted our spot. Sorry. The word from God was for faithfulness to turn into fruitfulness begins with accepting where they were, praying for those who had them there and then working for the complete wellbeing of all concerned and the blessings would be ours as well. Yes, bitterness in the hearts of the transplanted was natural, but a bitter heart produces no blessings.

So, dear one, whatever your "Babylon," God is with you and will bless you as you seek to make the most of your situation now, working for the wellbeing of all people there, and in turn those blessings will be yours as well.

PRAYER: God, Who is everywhere and with everyone who invites You, be with us in whatever Babylon we find ourselves, and help us flourish; in Christ Jesus we pray, amen.

Have a great and blessed day in the Lord! YOUR CALL TO ACTION: Be a voice of hope to someone who is dreading their Babylon!

Receive my blessings of joy and hope,

Pastor Eradio Valverde

Tuesday, October 04, 2022

If We Endure, We will Reign with Him

Image from

Hear the devotional:

8 Remember Jesus Christ, raised from the dead, a descendant of David—that is my gospel, 9 for which I suffer hardship, even to the point of being chained like a criminal. But the word of God is not chained. 10 Therefore I endure everything for the sake of the elect, so that they may also obtain the salvation that is in Christ Jesus, with eternal glory. 11 The saying is sure: If we have died with him, we will also live with him; 12 if we endure, we will also reign with him; if we deny him, he will also deny us; 13 if we are faithless, he remains faithful— for he cannot deny himself. 14 Remind them of this, and warn them before God that they are to avoid wrangling over words, which does no good but only ruins those who are listening. 15 Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved by him, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly explaining the word of truth. (2 Timothy 2:8-15 New Revised Standard Version)

There are many things that come our way that we consider difficult and so the word endure means that we put up with that difficult thing and trust in God that God will see us through. I praise God that I have never had to endure being incarcerated for the sake of the Gospel. I did, as a Rotarian in San Antonio get picked up by a San Antonio police officer in a real squad car. And the nice officer drove like what one perceives officers to drive. And, if I had not yelled at him, we would have rear-ended a stopped car at an intersection. (That was a thing to endure!); I was then driven safely to the place where the "jail" was set up and I was given a phone to call friends and church members to raise money for the charity for which I had been arrested. This afternoon (Monday) my darling wife suggested we truly needed our fourth vaccine against Covid-19 and our flu shot as well. Those of you who know me know this was truly something to endure. I praise God for sweet, caring nurses who jab with no pain. I endured. Yes, there are other more difficult things that some of us face, and I'm not making light of them, I'm stressing that we should trust God to be with us and help us as we face what we face, with a faith that overcomes and helps us truly endure.

Paul's second letter to his son in the faith, Timothy, serves as a needed reminder to the young man of Who Paul believes helps him be a prisoner in chains, helps Timothy be a good son with hope as his spiritual father is in chains, and helps his leadership as he guides the church who also lived in fear that their days of freedom, and indeed, even life, could be cut off at any time by those who opposed the faith. Paul's cornerstone was his faith in the resurrection of Jesus. In that, Paul found strength and peace. It was that faith that allowed Paul to endure all sorts of suffering. Paul states that even though he is in chains, the word of God cannot be chained. And because of that he will endure all things for the sake of all who had already come to faith in Jesus, so they might also obtain salvation. Paul heard and believed, "If we have died with Him; if we deny Him; if we endure, we will also reign with Him; if we deny Him, He will also deny you; if we are faithless, He remains faithful - for He cannot deny Himself."

Paul did it all so that everyone might be saved. He loved God that much and he knew that God loved him so much, that even in chains, Paul held out hope that someone might tell someone that might tell someone who might tell someone that they matter to God and God loves them. Someone told you. Someone told me. And from the perspective that when Paul wrote this letter was a long time ago. And Paul told enough people who made it possible for you to have heard the good news of Jesus Christ. Who have you told? You/we, who have never, thank God, been in physical chains of the government or the Church, why haven't we told someone? "But we pay our minister to do that!" No. You pay your minister to teach you how to tell others; because if you don't, the church will die. And we know that our God is not a God of Death, but of life; so tell someone!

PRAYER: Awesome God, bless my faith by allowing me the courage, boldness, and words so that I can tell someone about Jesus and His love for them. I praise You in Christ Jesus' name, amen.

Have a great and blessed day in the Lord. YOUR CALL TO ACTION: Tell someone that they matter so much, that God sent Jesus to die for them.

Receive my blessings of joy and peace,

Pastor Eradio Valverde

Monday, October 03, 2022

Your Faith Has Made You Well!

Image from

Hear the devotional:

11 Now on his way to Jerusalem, Jesus traveled along the border between Samaria and Galilee. 12 As he was going into a village, ten men who had leprosy met him. They stood at a distance 13 and called out in a loud voice, “Jesus, Master, have pity on us!” 14 When he saw them, he said, “Go, show yourselves to the priests.” And as they went, they were cleansed. 15 One of them, when he saw he was healed, came back, praising God in a loud voice. 16 He threw himself at Jesus’ feet and thanked him—and he was a Samaritan. 17 Jesus asked, “Were not all ten cleansed? Where are the other nine? 18 Has no one returned to give praise to God except this foreigner?” 19 Then he said to him, “Rise and go; your faith has made you well.” (Luke 17:11-19 New International Version Bible)

A most joyous and marvelous Monday to you, dear Friend. May our time together bless us with God's grace and peace. As we pray let us pray for each other, and let us pray for the family of Mrs. Sara C. Reynolds, who died this weekend. Sara was the loving wife of The Rev. John W. Reynolds, a retired pastor from The Rio Texas Conference. We first met in the Rio Grande Valley through the suggestion of a mutual seminary friend. We met on a Tuesday night wedding of a colleague. We hit it off immediately and we became fast friends. John and Sara had two daughters and we had four and the girls became friends. We even vacationed one summer together. Tragically, the Reynolds lost their eldest daughter, Claire in an auto accident on a Memorial Day weekend when they were serving in San Saba. Claire had been working in San Antonio and attended my church, Trinity UMC for a time. The Reynolds had moved to North Carolina to be near their daughter, Ariel,who had moved to Durham. Please pray God's comfort be with John and Ariel and their family. Our granddaughter Eliana is doing much better and we praise God for her healing. May we continue to pray for Linda Barcus as she begins her cancer treatment soon. Pray for yourselves and the needs of the world.

One of the matriarchs of one of my churches, to her credit, knew the Lectionary texts very well, especially the ones for Thanksgiving Day. I served a church, yes I'm that old, that still had a worship service on the actual day of Thanksgiving. "None of this Monday Thanksgiving worship service with other churches!" And one particular day, the prelude is playing and here comes a family member with a note from "Mama." It said, "Please do not preach on the lepers because that upsets Mama's stomach and we can't have that on Thanksgiving Day. Mama does not like to hear about leprosy." Uh. I already had my sermon written and prepared for that day. And, it was not like I could tear that passage out of the Bible!

This is a very powerful passage on thankfulness. And yes, it does involve the reality of the dreaded skin disease that was prevalent in the day. The thought during Jesus' day was that it was highly contagious and the law forbid those with leprosy from living among the living. Most villages and towns would regulate them to living among the tombs or cemeteries. The law also said that it had to be a priest to declare them clean if they had been found unclean from leprosy. We could say it was like receiving a life sentence to live among the dead. The good thing was these men were not so isolate they did not hear the news of what was going on beyond their realm. Someone had told them about this traveling rabbi who had the power to heal, hey, "He heals the lame, even raises the dead!" They certainly wondered if maybe, just maybe, Jesus could heal leprosy? "It won't hurt to ask!" And so, here comes Jesus. In a region between Samaria and Galilee and here are ten lepers meet Him. Knowing the law they maintained social distancing and from that space yelled to him in a loud voice, "Jesus, Master, have pity on us!" Jesus sees them and simply says, "Go, show yourselves to the priest." And in faith, they took the first steps towards the priest, the door to a new life and freedom. "And as they went, they were cleansed."

That in and of itself, is powerful. Steps of faith lead to change, to new lives, to new discoveries, and to profound blessings. And it all starts with that first step. One can only imagine that if one leper had held back and didn't quite believe, they would have stayed where they were and would have died as a leper. As the ten walked towards the priests, one of them realized that he was healed! And unlike the other nine, he goes back to Jesus, as he's praising God! Then, he throws himself at Jesus' feet and thanked Him. And interesting that it is here that Luke inserts, "And he was a Samaritan." The nine others, we believe were Jews, brothers in faith to Jesus, they did not come back to thank Jesus, or God, but kept walking towards the priests to be declared healed from their illness. If you are reading this you see the graphic for this; the nine are celebrating with family and rejoining them for the first time in years, while the Samaritan is kneeling before Jesus, thanking Him and praising God.

Jesus' question still remains today, even to us; "Were not all ten cleansed? Where are the other nine? Has no one returned to give praise to God except this foreigner?" Then, turning to the healed, grateful man, "Rise and go, your faith has made you well." This becomes another one of those stories that we know will be answered in Heaven of what became of this man versus the other nine. We can think and perhaps ask, did the other nine have a sense of entitlement, thinking, "I deserved this!" or did at least one later on, maybe in private, kneel and thank God? We don't know, but this I know, it is a very powerful Thanksgiving sermon passage as well as a daily reminder to not take anything from God for granted. Our hearts should be ever thankful and ever grateful to God for how God blesses us.

PRAYER: Loving God, You are ever faithful in sharing with us just what we need. May we never lose count of how many blessings come from You and may we always give You thanks; in Christ Jesus we pray, amen.

Have a great and blessed day in the Lord! YOUR CALL ACTION TODAY: Ask someone to thank God with you for a blessing you have received!

Receive love and blessings for a great day,

Pastor Eradio Valverde