Wednesday: For our day of purpose and action, do something compassionate for someone. I heard on Christian radio how the temperatures in Phoenix, AZ had not dropped below 110o and how 11 people, mostly homeless, have already died. The DJ said that people should carry bottled water in their cars and pray about finding those whose life you might save by giving them a drink of water. Perhaps pack a sack lunch to hand to someone you see on the corner who might be hungry. Put the mark of your discipleship to work!
"The Way" refers to those believers in Jesus who found Jesus to be as He Himself had said, "I am the Way, the Truth, and The Life." This page is designed to help us know "The Way." The University of The Way will be a daily posting of Scripture, reflections, prayers that will help you walk closer with Christ along the Way. If you would like to receive daily devotionals please click here.
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
Wednesday: For our day of purpose and action, do something compassionate for someone. I heard on Christian radio how the temperatures in Phoenix, AZ had not dropped below 110o and how 11 people, mostly homeless, have already died. The DJ said that people should carry bottled water in their cars and pray about finding those whose life you might save by giving them a drink of water. Perhaps pack a sack lunch to hand to someone you see on the corner who might be hungry. Put the mark of your discipleship to work!