Wednesday, April 12, 2006


Good day dear friends.

Please continue in prayer for baby Annabelle Dorothy Ferrell. She is the granddaughter of Chad Neff, whom many know as the computer guru around the church. Annabelle was born at 23 weeks and weighed a little over one pound at birth. To quote grandpa, "She's holding her own," and all brain exams and the like came back positive. We know that prayer will see her through.

Here is our prayer and purpose guide for today:

Wednesday: For our day of prayer and purpose, pray about the parade in your heart for Jesus. If you accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior some years ago, what celebration did you have for Him? Did you allow all the pathways to your heart to be celebrating the arrival of He who died for you? If you just recently accepted the Lord, have you celebrated this important arrival in your life? Are you living a life that continues to glorify Jesus as Lord of your life. This is the day to be in prayer about it and to decide to make Jesus’ Lordship a priority for your purpose in life.

Have a great and blessed day!


PS Today at noon, Pastor Leslie is preaching at First Christian Church on Ranch Road 12 for the ecumenical worship and stations of the cross. Friday at noon is when all SM churches are invited to come and participate in the stations of the cross live presentations.

Tomorrow at 7 and Friday at 7 we have our Holy Week service at First UMC.