Sunday, July 08, 2007


Good Lord's Day everyone! I trust you are reading this as you and yours prepare to worship the Lord!
Here is our study guide for today:
Sunday: 1 Chronicles 16, 17, 18What do you know about David, as person and as ruler, from these three chapters?
When a person seeks to be a leader, s/he must first consecrate their lives before the Lord. David was such a leader and ruler. His life belonged to God and it showed. Yes, there were flaws in his character and spiritual life, but these chapters show the side of David as a successful and blessed ruler of Israel as guided by God.
His worship life was led by God and reflects a needed organization and delegation of power and responsiblities to all who were part of worship. His military life was also blessed; great were the victories of David over his enemies. His political life, closely tied to his military victories, show a man who entered into treaties with those who respected him and his nation. As a family man, David raised sons who were able to work for and under him. Yes, there was that one son, Absalom, but the Bible is an honest book. The sons who loved David, loved the Lord, and served both well.
We are all called to be leaders and rulers in our realms of life in which we have influence. There are or were, those under us, be they our children, now our grandchildren, nieces or nephews, younger siblings, etc. To be a positive influence in their lives we must live a life that shows that we love them and that we know that God loves us and we love Him. Our actions show reflect our commitment to God and our commitment to excellence in our lives for Him.
PRAYER: God of love, help me be the leader of influence you need me to be. Help me in those areas of life in which I have influence. I pray that my children and their children might see in me a person of faith and love. I ask this in Jesus' precious name, amen.
Have a great and blessed day in the Lord!
PS Don't forget our luncheon immediately after 11 o'clock worship!