Thursday, November 29, 2007


Good day dear friends.
Here is our study guide for today:
Thursday: Matthew 26, 27, 28From Matthew 27, describe the various responses of persons and groups to Jesus in his crucifixion.
The death of Jesus was caused by you and me. We sometimes sell Jesus out for the highest bidder. And it isn't necessarily for money all the time. We all have a little bit of Judas in us; we hold on to Jesus while the going's good, but if we hit some turbulence or find ourselves in a rough spot, we sell Jesus for "thirty pieces of silver." Then there are the times we ask Jesus the hard question, "Who are you really?" We know. We've heard. But we haven't received, so we ask and we ask. We sometimes sound like questioning children, who have heard the answer but keep asking anyway. But unlike children we have no excuse for still asking and not doing. And then we ask for anyone but Jesus. We may be hurting or we may be confused and saddened, and we know Jesus is the answer, but we ask, "Is there anybody else out there?" We become just like the crowd on that day, they could have chosen Jesus, but they chose the more popular, the most reckless, the most wild man they could find, the thief, upriser, rebel Barrabas. And in so letting him loose, we imprison ourselves.
PRAYER: Lord, you know better than I, that many have been the times I have been guilty of all the above. Forgive me and love me. Help me to choose You above all else today in all that I say, think, and do. I pray in Your precious Name, amen.
Have a great and blessed day in the Lord!