Good day dear friends.
"I call you friends..." John 15:15
It is in knowing one is leaving that the hurts and joys of church members become deeper in my soul. I rejoice with those who are rejoicing in wonderful ways, but the burdens being carried by others hurt me deeper than before. I suppose it is the knowledge of knowing I won't be pastor for much longer and while I will still carry you in my hearts and prayers, it is not the same.
While we are praying today, please lift up Preston Connelly to your prayers. Preston is being moved to a special care unit as his Alzheimer's has become worse. He will stay at Merrill Gardens but may be separated from Doris. This has caused Doris great pain as you can imagine. As we pray prayers of thanksgiving, lift up the hearts (if they can get any higher!) of George and Bobbie Gilbert, who yesterday received a new great-grandchild into their lives.
The Lord Jesus as He taught His disciples spoke about servanthood and friendship. He Himself was a servant to God first, then to us as He ministered the new way of life we are to live, but He reached a point where He knew that the servant title of the disciples had to be expanded to include the title of friends.
Do you ever see your role as a friend as a special title in your life? Do you take being a good friend seriously? I know and love dear friends who would do anything for me. I know the ones I could call in the middle of the night and they would get up and come and help me. I also know the ones who I can share the deepest and most serious of secrets and they will go to their graves with them. What a blessing to have friends, and what a more awesome blessing to BE a good friend.
I would pray we would be the friends of Jesus today. And while being the friends of Jesus we would be the friends to those in need. Jesus knew it's easy to befriend and love those who befriend and love us; Jesus calls us to love everyone and be a friend to all.
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, I thank you for the friend I have in Your Son, Jesus Christ. I pray that I might be your friend and a friend to all today. I ask this in Jesus' Name, amen.
Have a great and blessed day in the Lord!