Blessed Lord, take the hand of this dear reader and gently guide them through today. In Christ Jesus' Name, amen.
One of the most difficult questions for most parents to answer is a child's "Who made God?" Most will say, correctly, "God has always been!" The response may come, "No, Momma/Dadda, when was God born?" We were all wonderfully and awesomely made, but one limitation is our finite minds. Most of us think only in terms of beginnings and ends, starts and finishes. We forget that our God is eternal. A God who has always been, always will be; a God with no end. The awesomeness of that is that God's Son, Jesus Christ our Lord promised us eternal life. That too, boggles the mind.
An illustration of this is comparing our minds to a 10 oz. glass and God to the ocean. Go to the ocean, fill your glass with ocean water and you'll see that our thinking about God is quite limited. We can't explain the concept of the ocean based on that 10 oz glass. Someone once said, "To try to explain eternity is to suggest that a bird from New York can fly down to the tip of South America, land there on that beach, pick up one grain of sand, fly back to New York, drop that grain of sand there, pick up one from a North American beach, fly back and repeat the process over and over again until the beaches have traded places, then you will understand the beginning of eternity." In terms of a spiritual relationship with God, eternity seems awesome. In terms of a spiritual separation from God, eternity sounds frightening. Most who think about God and God's love will choose a relationship. God does not condemn us to separation, that's our choice.
In terms of prayer, keep in mind that God is eternal and deals with eternal matters. Remember that through prayer we should seek to strengthen our relationship with Him. Seek to know Him, love Him, and to be guided by the One who has no beginning and no end.
PRAYER: Loving God, let the challenges of today have their end in You. Help me to live my life in a way that invites others to come to You not just for their need of today, but for all eternity. I ask this in Christ Jesus' precious name, amen.
Have a great and blessed day in the Lord.
Eradio Valverde