The most impressive title I've come across is the man in charge of Wesley's Chapel in London, The Reverend Doctor Leslie The Lord Griffiths. I have to confess that I read that title several times wondering what it could possibly mean, and as worship started the associate pastor welcomed us and explained the title to us. It is very impressive, but St. Paul would ask, What does it matter? He had come across many who bragged on their credentials and standings and driven by frustration he wrote the words of today's passage. Quite impressive; not a Lord, but still. He was thoroughly Jewish for he was circumcised on the eighth day according to the Law. He was a part of the people of Israel, more specifically, the tribe of Benjamin, his words, "A Hebrew born of Hebrews." Continuing with the explanation of the law, he was trained and received as a Pharisee. As to his enthusiasm for his calling, he was a persecutor of the Church, and if you defined righteousness by the law, then he considered himself blameless. Measured against any man of his time, there would be few with more impressive credentials on either side, the Jewish side or the Christian side; yet, Paul says, these mean nothing compared to Jesus Christ; everything I used to have and value I now consider as rubbish compared to the joy and life I have found in Jesus Christ my Lord. The things of the past are all lost, the gain that I seek is to know Jesus better, to be found in Him, and to be known as one righteous not because of the Law, but because of faith in Jesus Christ. The thing I want most is to know Christ and the power of His resurrection, and yes, even suffering as He did to become like Him even in death. Paul's hope was to attain resurrection from the dead, and this was his motivation in faith. The main thing, Paul says, is to leave the past in the past and strain forward to what lies ahead; the heavenly prize of God calling him home in Jesus Christ.
Paul's case as stated above simply says, it's not what we know, but Who we know. If we know Jesus Christ and seek to know as much as we can about Him, that should be motivation enough to keep going forward. It's not about titles, degrees, diplomas, pedigrees, or what have you; it's about faith and trust in Jesus Christ. Our motivation is not to keep looking backward at past failures or mistakes, it's about trusting God enough to move towards being faithful in our ministry here now.
PRAYER: Loving God, allow me to move toward You today. Whatever may have troubled me about yesterday should not matter today. Let me live fully in You in all that may come my way today, for I seek to be faithful to You in all things; this I pray in the precious and powerful name of Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior, amen.
Have a great and blessed day in the Lord.
Eradio Valverde