The power of Easter is the defeat of sin and death. Death was commonplace during the time of Jesus and many died at early ages due to the lack medicine and medical treatments. The power of God through Jesus changed all that even to this day. Most deaths are for the family and survivors, sad, heartbreaking events. Yesterday's bombings in Boston killed it is believed at least one 8 year-old child, with many others injured. Yet, for the Christian, it is a time of separation for a time. The New Testament is filled with promises of life beyond this life. Jesus' words are the most powerful and we find in this story the power of Jesus in Peter as he was called to the house of Tabitha after her death. Peter arrives and brings her back to life. This astounded everyone and even brought new believers to the faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. We don't know how much longer Tabitha lived, but we know she died again. I believe her second death was something she looked forward to and expected unlike the first. But the fullness of that life between deaths was something she lived and enjoyed, possibly telling everyone, "You know I died and the Lord gave me new life?" So it should be with us. While we were yet alive but being killed slowly by our sin, Christ came and gave us new life.
What have we to fear?
PRAYER: Like Tabitha, many of us have received new life, free from sin and the consequences of sin. Grant us yet today new life and the fullness of life lived in and through Your love. If anyone reading this has not yet surrendered his or her sin to you, may it be today, so that new life can be theirs. Jesus, thank You for coming to give us new life and the fullness of life. In Your name we pray, amen.
Have a great and blessed day in the Lord!
Eradio Valverde