Wednesday, April 07, 2021

All Things In Common

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Hear today's devotional here:

32 The whole congregation of believers was united as one - one heart, one mind! They didn't even claim ownership of their own possessions. No one said, "That's mine; you can't have it." They shared everything. 33 The apostles gave powerful witness to the resurrection of the Master Jesus, and grace was on all of them. 34 And so it turned out that not a person among them was needy. Those who owned fields or houses sold them and brought the price of the sale 35 to the apostles and made an offering of it. The apostles then distributed it according to each person's need. (Acts 4:32-35 The Message Bible)

A wonderful Wednesday be yours dear ConCafe Family! And may new doors and windows open to you, Friend, in which you can serve the Risen Savior! May our prayer time be filled with blessings for all who are on our prayer list, as well as blessings for us and our needs.

The Christian way of life is way different from what the world teaches and expects. It's gotten so blurred lately, that what was once forbidden and considered sinful, is now tolerated and sometimes celebrated. And to talk about sin upsets some people! But I never said yes to God to serve Him as a people-pleaser; I seek to honor and glorify Him and to serve His people in ways that draw them closer to Him. Among the first words a baby learns, usually NO is the number one; a close second is MINE! Babies are born with an innate sense to protect what is theirs, and to do all they can to prevent others from taking possessions or even people away from them. Our first grandbaby was with us at a Christmas event in San Marcos, TX, when we saw the newborn baby of our church secretary. Nelllie asked to carry her and our baby just glared at grandma holding a baby that was not her. It took a few hours to finally allow grandma to touch and/or carry her! She made herself clear; "Grandma, other babies are not to be carried by you! Just me!" And the same was true for the rest, especially when it came to the only high chair we own. At meal time, the previous "owner" of the chair will usually make clear that s/he is the only one allowed to sit in it; but even though they may not fit in that chair any longer; it is theirs! Some babies outgrow it; some babies stay babies and spoiled ones at that. So, to see that the Resurrection Faith is now growing and glowing, it is awesome to read these new believers in the Risen Christ now were truly united as one, with one heart and one mind. As this version says, "They didn't even claim ownership of their own possessions. No one said, 'That's mine; you can't have it.' They shared everything." In so doing, "The apostles gave powerful wintess to the resurrection of the Master Jesus, and grace was on all of them." They basically wiped out poverty among them; hunger was gone, as was homelessness. All physical and spiritual needs were eradicated. Everyone who believed, belonged; and to those who belonged they were fully blessed.

Where are you in this journey? Has the power of Easter helped you mature and outgrow the old nature that may have held you back from truly blessing others? I thank God that in my years of pastoring I have seen tremendous changes come over people and their perspectives on life and the things of life dramatically change. They no longer want to have sin in their lives or to be sinful people; they love more, share more, and give more; they go the "second mile" in all things. And speaking of second mile; that comes from the Roman law that said Roman soliders had the authority and power to demand a civilian, usually the Jews, carry their packs and other heavy equipment for one mile. The "invitation" was for them to tap you on the back with the flat part of their spear. If you refused, the sharp end would find your heart and you would be killed for refusing; thus Jesus' teaching on going the second mile. I have to share with you a show that I have discovered that truly paints a vivid picture of actual life in that era of Jesus called The Chosen. It is an app you can download onto your smartphone or tablet and view it there or if you know how to cast that onto your television you can watch it there. Some TVs also have ways to download apps and this app is called The Chosen. It has caught my attention and I've only seen the first two episodes and have learned a lot about customs, dress, the hidden agendas among some soliders and Jewish religious leaders. I recommend it. This show is filmed in Texas and it offers a unique way to pay for it, namely a method called Pay It Forward. You can choose to pay for each episode and thus allows someone else to watch it free; or if you don't have the money you can watch each episode free, thanks to someone who has paid it forward for you. Interesting how that goes with the lesson of this passage!

A shared ife is a blessed life. A blessed life is the best life one could hope to enjoy here on the earth. Jesus taught us the way, but it is up to us to accept it and employ it. A shared life is also a witnessing life; that first church we read about in today's passage grew and grew because they learned to rise above what the world teaches and expects.

PRAYER: Loving Father, thank You for this dear and faithful reader; may she or he be blessed today in unexpected ways; may they draw closer to You and to others around them in ways that bless Your Kingdom. Accept our prayer of faith that we lift up in Christ Jesus' precious and powerful name, amen!

Have a great and blessed day in the Lord! Live a sharing life today! Don't hold back! Give!

Receive my blessings of joy and peace,

Pastor Eradio Valverde