Thursday, July 22, 2021

What Fools Say

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Listen here for the devotional:

1 Bilious and bloated, they gas, "God is gone." Their words are poison gas, fouling the air; they poison Rivers and skies; thistles are their cash crop. 2 God sticks his head out of heaven. He looks around. He's looking for someone not stupid - one man, even, God-expectant, just one God-ready woman. 3 He comes up empty. A string of zeros. Useless, unshepherded Sheep, taking turns pretending to be Shepherd. The ninety and nine follow their fellow. 4 Don't they know anything, all these impostors? Don't they know they can't get away with this - Treating people like a fast-food meal over which they're too busy to pray? 5 Night is coming for them, and nightmares, for God takes the side of victims. 6 Do you think you can mess with the dreams of the poor? You can't, for God makes their dreams come true. 7 Is there anyone around to save Israel? Yes. God is around; God turns life around. Turned-around Jacob skips rope, turned-around Israel sings laughter. (Psalm 14 The Message Bible)

A joyous Thursday be yours, ConCafe Family; and may your example today affirm that God is not only real, but He lives in you, Friend. May we continue to pray for one another, for the needs of our world, country, community, home, workplaces and even play places; and of course, pray for ourselves.

Full of gas, and not in the gas station type of way, is how The Rev. Dr. Eugene Peterson reads the first verse, which in other translations says, "The fool says in his heart, “'There is no God.' They are corrupt, their deeds are vile; there is no one who does good." I think it is a great paraphrase and sums up what the psalmist had in mind about how such a statement could come from any mouth. Some have even said that while David was with Bathseba he was really saying that by his actions. It is an intriguing thought. And had God stuck His head down from heaven to see David in that action, he must have thought what verse 2 is saying. And God certainly must say that of us when we abandon what we know to be right, and go wrong anyway! And we're anything but "shepherdless" or "unshepherded."

We can only imagine God's quest to find "someone not stupid - one man, even, God-expectant, just one God-ready woman." Honestly, it is stupidity that can rule us if we abandon God. We, who have been exposed to the truth of God's love and mission to bring us back into relationionship with Him, to choose to be without a guiding shepherd and live a life like a wayward lamb. And in a sharp contrast with what Luke 15 says that 99 stay faithful, but one wanders off, The Message says that it is sometimes easier for us to follow 99 than to prayerfully consider the options and consequences of what may come as a result of our decisions. What this version says is true; "Don't they know they can't get away with this?" And the list that comes with it; "Treating people like a fast-food meal over which they're too busy to pray?" (ouch!). "Night is coming for them, and nightmares, for God takes the side of victims." God also favors the dreams of the poor, because the psalmist believes that God will help them achieve those dreams; and even when it seems that the odds are against God's People, God is still there for them, and God can indeed, turn things/life around. This is fuel for our skipping rope and laughing in joy.

Yes, God does look upon us and I pray that on me, and on you, He would find those who love and trust Him, and who walk with Him, and not as this paraphrase editions says he finds and thinks of those who do not know, or want to know, Him. May He truly find in us those who are useful, shepherded people who follow The Good Shepherd to pastures of victory in our lives. May we lead the 99 away from sin and into the way of salvation.

PRAYER: Loving Shepherd, speak to our hearts now and guide us. Empower us to be leaders who lead people away from the wrong and into the right; away from the bad and into the good. May our lives say loudly, "There is a God and I love Him!" For we pray in Christ Jesus' strong name, amen.

Have a great and blessed day in the Lord! Bless someone with your faith in God today!

Receive my blessings of hope and peace,

Pastor Eradio Valverde