Monday, February 26, 2007


Good morning dear friends! Again, our thanks for your prayers for our daughter and new grandbaby! Sarai Evangelina Cortez was born Saturday, February 24, 2007 by C-section. Mom, daughter, and dad are doing well as are the grandparents, Nellie and Eradio Valverde, and Kathy and Joe Cortez. The baby is beautiful! We are blessed and we praise God!
We talked about our journey home and we talked about what "home" really means. Home is where we feel love, accepted, and committed. We talked about God's desire for us to be at home with Him in our relationship with Him.
Here is our study guide for today, remembering that the Genesis reading assignments are to prepare us for Sunday's new sermon series THE GRAND SLAM, THROUGH THE BIBLE IN A YEAR!:Monday: (Read Genesis 1-3 in preparation for the Grand Slam.) Joshua 24:15 is a famous declaration made by Joshua. Please find and read that. What sort of declarations have you made about your family and home? What was the last spiritual decision you made for your family?
Here is that Joshua passage:15 Now if you are unwilling to serve the Lord, choose this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your ancestors served in the region beyond the River or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you are living; but as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord."
Joshua has gathered the people of God as they prepare to enter the promised land. He reminds them of the temptations that await them from their new neighbors, namely to follow other gods, but he makes a declaration for himself and his family, "but as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord." This is a strong declaration and one that he is making not only for himself but for his family as well. It was surely something he discussed with them and something he asked commitment from his family about: We will continue to serve the Lord. It was not easy to make this declaration before this group for they had not been the most faithful people. They were fickle and many were the times they deviated from God's path choosing instead their own.
What declaration have you made for your household? That you'll be a Colgate family forever? That only Cheer will wash your clothes? That you'll read only the Austin American Statesman no matter where in the country you live? While you may argue those are important declarations, what declaration have you made for the Lord? We will go to church every Sunday unless we're sick or out of town? We will be a family of prayer? We will tithe what we earn to the Lord? We will attend Sunday school and grow in our knowledge of God? We will give of our time to be in Christian service to this community? These are the ones that matter that help your family know who they are, as well as letting others know what matters for you. Not to mention that God wants these declarations not only made, but lived out.
It won't be easy and to make such a declaration may find you at odds with some of the members of your family. You may find yourself tempted by Satan to consider what you just declared to be foolish or dangerous. A declaration is a call to stand firm in the Lord, trusting Him for the decisions you make that will bless the Lord and you.
PRAYER: Come loving God into my household today. I declare to you that I will make declarations that bless You and my household. Help us all in the living of such. I pray in Jesus' name, amen.
Have a great and blessed day in the Lord!
PS Please don't forget Doug Carson's funeral is today at 11 a.m. in our church. Please continue to pray for Sue, Amanda, and Jennifer.