Thursday, September 13, 2007


Good day dear friends.
Here is our study guide for today, but no telling when yahoogroups will get it to you!
Thursday: Isaiah 50, 51Again in Isaiah 51 Jerusalem is assured of restoration and of God’s care. Why was Jerusalem so important?
Jerusalem is the City of God. So named or called because of the place it has held for centuries as a holy city. The heyday of Jerusalem was when David made it the capital of Israel and it symbolized through Solomon's reign and building program, the greatness of the Jewish people. It was the major city of their faith, it reflected their military and political power, and it was a center of commerce. It was a city that said, "With God, all things are possible!" Think about what Jesus said about the great city and the image of a New Jerusalem we have in the last book of the Bible.
Jerusalem can also be a symbol of the ideal in our lives. A model of what can be if we trust wholly in God. For the people listening to Isaiah it was a call to repentance and restoration and for us the same. If your life is not as it should be, if you're not right with God, Jerusalem becomes that which should be and can be, if you trust in God.
PRAYER: Loving Father, may we all come to the holy city in our lives, where You reign as King and we serve You as subjects. Make my life whole and bring me closer to You, I pray in Jesus' Name, amen.
Have a great and blessed day in the Lord!