Sunday, November 25, 2007


Good Sunday everyone.
Here is our study guide for today:
Sunday: Matthew 15, 16, 17What is the significance, as you see it, in Jesus’ predicting his crucifixion just after Peter has recognized him as the Christ?
Prayer Time: Here are some elements in my own personality that I want to bring prayerfully before God daily:
Peter, like us, does not yet recognize the fullness of God's plan. The Messiah would be He who would die for our sins. Peter sees the Messiah as one who would fulfill the dreams and desires of Israel as a nation in a political sense. Jesus came in a spiritual sense to bring us the fullness of life now and the promise of life eternal.
How do you see Jesus?
PRAYER: Lord God, let me see Jesus as my Lord and Savior, as He who loved me, like You, so much that He gave His body and blood for me. Let me live my life in a way that give You glory. Amen.
Have a great and blessed day in the Lord!