Monday, October 06, 2008


Good day dear friends.

Here is our study guide for today: The "Father of the Faith" is the man who said yes to God in moving from a familiar place to a new, unknown place. His story if found in Genesis 12. Make a list of things you would have found in your struggle with God’s leading vs. what you want, if you were this man.

Abraham is the man in question as is his wife, Sarah. Both were the Parents of the Faith as it were, because they both said yes to God. God's request came as a most difficult one for both. In verse one it reads, "Now the Lord said to Abram, "Go from your country and your kindred and your father's house to the land that I will show you."

I live in a part of the country where folks born and raise here may leave here for college or military service, but ultimately "come home." The saying is that once you drink Valley water you can't leave. For many, including these, the request from God would come as a difficult one. For me to leave my family, many would say, is just asking too much. In fact yesterday I spoke with a young woman who left the Valley to pursue her education and lived in the Dallas area for a number of years, but after some time of working and going to school, she and her husband decided to come home. She said she missed some of the things that Dallas offers, but quickly added, "It's nice to be near family." Yet, that was part of God's demand, "your kindred and your father's house," you are to leave. Ouch.

Jesus spoke of those willing to leave father and mother, etc. for the sake of the Kingdom and their recompense would be great. Such is the demand of faith: Go where God sends you and you will never be alone, and you will be blessed.

Where is God leading you? Outside your comfort zone? To a conversation with someone with whom you've never before or in a long time not spoken? God is with you and your "mission" may well be to talk about God and what God has done for and with you. Your baptism was your "ordination into ministry and one's commissioning as a missionary. Every baptized disciple has both a ministry to the Body and a mission to the world." (Leonard Sweet, "Not Your Father's Seminary," Rev magazine, March/April 2008 from

PRAYER: LORD, with the power you've vested in me, send me forth, even to the ends of the earth. I know I am never alone and I will be blessed. I do it not for the blessing but for the love I have for you. I pray in the name of the Lord Jesus, amen.

Have a great and blessed day in the Lord!
