Tuesday, April 03, 2012

A God Who Loves the World!

Read ISAIAH 49:1-7; JOHN 12:20-36 Key Verse: "I will give you as a light to the nations, that my salvation may reach to the end of the earth.’"

The passage from the prophet Isaiah speaks of One called to minister to the earth. He mentions that this was a "servant" known even while forming in the womb. One who would be a "light to the nations," with a plan of "salvation" that would "reach to the end of the earth." Salvation is that restored relationship with God, reached when one realizes that with all the baggage of sin burdening our hearts we are going nowhere, but when God removes that sin upon our confession, we become a new creation, ready to receive and to share love. Salvation is that which leads us to new life, beyond just existence, to what Jesus called "abundant life" or "life to the fullest." And so it is with those who know, love, and trust Jesus; a life that goes beyond just breathing; a life filled with joy and wonder and opportunities for serving and helping.

As we pray for the coming General Conference of The United Methodist Church, may we pray that all delegates may be reminded of that wonderful relationship that is still available for us all, and that we have a task to take that message out of Tampa into all the world, until everyone has heard and everyone has had a chance to respond.

PRAYER: Loving God, may our prayers bless and protect all delegates, and may our prayers bring new life to our Church through You. We cannot do it without You. We pray in Christ Jesus' precious and powerful name, amen.