Thursday, April 26, 2018

Having a Praise Life!

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Here in this great gathering for worship I have discovered this praise-life. And I'll do what I promised right here in front of the God-worshipers. Down-and-outers sit at God's table and eat their fill. Everyone on the hunt for God is here, praising him. "Live it up, from head to toe. Don't ever quit!" From the four corners of the earth people are coming to their senses, are running back to God. Long-lost families are falling on their faces before him.  God has taken charge; from now on he has the last word. All the power-mongers are before him - worshiping! All the poor and powerless, too - worshiping! Along with those who never got it together - worshiping! Our children and their children will get in on this As the word is passed along from parent to child.  Babies not yet conceived will hear the good news - that God does what he says. (Psalm 22:25-31 The Message)

Dear Friend, of all the possessions you have, what do you count as the greatest?  The psalmist considered his "praise-life" among the greatest thing he could possibly possess, and it was what saw him through many a dangerous day.  May we come to discover what a praise-life is, and how we may be blessed by it.  I trust you are well!

As a United Methodist for all of my life and as a pastor for over half of that life, the vows we took upon joining the church still hold a special place in my heart.  We vowed to support our church with our prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness.  Each is special and each is powerful.  And I love the order in which the church has placed them.  They're all a part of a praise-life, but notice where it starts:  Prayer.  Methodists were once known, and in many parts of the world still are, as people of prayer.  The early circuit riders impressed people by praying from the heart and not from a book of prayer.  That helped started the spiritual journey of Francis Asbury, leader of the Methodist movement here during the Revolutionary War; he went to check out some girls he liked at a meeting and was taken aback by the preacher who did not use the Book of Common Prayer, instead he prayed from his heart and that touched Asbury's heart.  Your prayers are part of a praise-life; it's the way to receive the "oxygen" of our spirits - touching God's heart and receiving from God the blessings of strength, peace, comfort and direction as we pray.  Presence refers to our needing to be present in worship as often as we can.  We miss a lot when we are absent; in my case, the week does not seem complete as it usually is when I'm in worship with fellow believers.  Gifts is sharing from everything we own and possess.  Yes, money, but time, talent, love, compassion; all serve to glorify God as we give.  We serve a giving God (remember John 3:16?) who gave from all He had.  And the last is now ten years old; the 2008 General Conference added witness as the last part of our praise-life.  How are we sharing with others that which we call our faith?  Witness is a life-line we can throw to those in need.

David's life was a praise-life in key moments.  His faith slew a giant, and later kept him alive when the very king of Israel sought to murder him.  And when he finally received the throne as king, he united the two kingdoms and served as one of Israel's greatest kings - all because of his praise-life.

Dear one, my prayer is that you would grow and develop your praise-life in a way that blesses God and those around you.  The hurts are real and strong of those around us.  Just yesterday we heard of a 16 year old, top student at The Science Academy in South Texas, who took his own life because of sadness.  A mother of twin babies, lost one to SIDS, only days old.  Share a word of hope and encouragement to all you meet today; your nice comment may truly give life to someone thinking of other options instead of life.  Christ gave us fullness of life so that others may not lack for anything in theirs.

PRAYER:  Loving God, fill my cup; let it overflow and from that richness, let me share with those whose cups seem empty.  Grant me beautiful, powerful words to bring comfort, joy, and hope to those in need.  Point out those nobody talks to or sees, that I might be the one to share You.  It's in Christ Jesus' strong name that I pray, amen!

Have a great and blessed day in the Lord!  Shine brightly the light of love in the darkness of those wanting out.

Eradio Valverde

PRAYER UPDATES:  Just a quick word of thanks for your prayers for me.  I saw the retina specialist who offered surgery as one option.  The other was that if I don't mind my vision as it is (and it's pretty good with both eyes open!), I could live with it.  He believes it won't get worse and I should get it checked every year, which I do anyway.  Surgery soon would quickly advance the need for a cataract surgery that I will need in about ten years.  So, I'm praying and trusting God.  Blessings for a great day!  Pray for one another!  Love one another.