Thursday, November 01, 2018

Who Are We?

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You're blessed when you stay on course, walking steadily on the road revealed by God. You're blessed when you follow his directions, doing your best to find him. That's right - you don't go off on your own; you walk straight along the road he set.  You, God, prescribed the right way to live; now you expect us to live it.  Oh, that my steps might be steady, keeping to the course you set;  Then I'd never have any regrets in comparing my life with your counsel.  I thank you for speaking straight from your heart; I learn the pattern of your righteous ways.  I'm going to do what you tell me to do; don't ever walk off and leave me. (Psalm 119:1-8 The Message)

Happy Thursday, dear Friend!  I trust we all survived the handing out of candy to those who came and knocked on our door asking for treats.  We had a very strong and scary downpour which I thought would surely end the night of giving away the pounds of candy we had bought; but I was wrong.  As soon as the break in the showers came, the doorbell and our dog Wesley, started barking - the kids were back.  Most of the kids commented on how loudly Wesley barks.  I asked a couple of the little ones if they wanted him, only one said she would love to have a puppy; the other said, "I already got a puppy!"  Shucks.  Wesley stays. Today is All Saints Day and Sunday will be when most churches will celebrate the remembrance of those who have died during this year.  If that includes a loved one of yours, I pray God's comfort on you during this week and especially on Sunday when you may be invited to place a flower or some other sort of remembrance for this important life now in the presence of God.  Never an easy thing; but God sees us through.

Yesterday we studied The Shema which pretty much tells us who God is; today's passage helps us answer the question, "Who are we?"  The Shema says, This is God and lists how we are to respond to God's power and holiness; and today the psalmist guides our answer; We are blessed when we stay on course.  God has already laid out a path or road for us to follow, and blessings are ours when we trust God enough to walk with Him.  The temptation is to go off-road and try our hand at "off-roading" that is our trusting ourselves more than God and thinking our walking or running along a path we set for ourselves will bless us more; many times we find ourselves up against a mountain wall not meant to be climbed, or at the edge of a steep cliff not meant to be jumped.  God gently lifts us back on track if we but trust Him.

The psalmist learned early on that God provides for us from His heart; all that is before us on God's path is meant to bless us in some way.  We may not understand the WHY of the moment, but we trust the WHO who is guiding us. Let us define ourselves by our obedience and desire to be faithful and fruitful.  

PRAYER:  Awesome God, guide us on Your path.  Truly, You are the Good Shepherd and we are called to be Good Sheep.  Forgive us our wayward wanderings, seek us, search us, and bring us back when we stray.  Let us be an example to others by the blessings that come to us when we are with You.  This we pray in Christ Jesus' strong name, amen.

Have a great and blessed day in the Lord!  Be a lamb and follow God!

Eradio Valverde