Thursday, February 03, 2022

Finish What You Started, Lord!

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1 Thank you! Everything in me says "Thank you!" Angels listen as I sing my thanks. 2 I kneel in worship facing your holy temple and say it again: "Thank you!" Thank you for your love, thank you for your faithfulness; Most holy is your name, most holy is your Word. 3 The moment I called out, you stepped in; you made my life large with strength. 4 When they hear what you have to say, God, all earth's kings will say "Thank you." 5 They'll sing of what you've done: "How great the glory of God!" 6 And here's why: God, high above, sees far below; no matter the distance, he knows everything about us. 7 When I walk into the thick of trouble, keep me alive in the angry turmoil. With one hand strike my foes, With your other hand save me. 8 Finish what you started in me, God. Your love is eternal - don't quit on me now. (Psalm 138 The Message Bible)

A warm and safe Thursday for you all, ConCafe Family, especially if you're in the path of this winter storm that has come through Texas and other parts. Friend, Please take shelter and help those who do not have shelter or those places where people can take shelter. May we continue to pray for one another, pray for those who have asked or have needed prayer, and pray for your own needs.

A cute, chubby baby on social media had quite a following from many who found that her "Thank you," to every kindness shown her, especially when she was offered food or snack, as being something so cute and endearing. "Thank you, Mommy!" she would cutely say to her mom when she offered her a cookie or a plate of food. I counted myself among those who found her very charming and sincere in the way she readily and easily said, "Thank you."

The psalmist was taught, like this baby, to say thank you when shown a kindness. And he was also taught to say thank you to God. His was a life filled with blessings; from narrow escapes from predators on his flocks, from the king who wanted him dead so that the king's own son could be king, to the armies of enemies that camped against him. His being alive and well was the basis of this song of praise we call the 138th Psalm. He writes every aspect of his being was gratitude towards God, so much so, that even Angels listened as he sang his songs of thanks. His main desire and aim in worship was to thank God in temple. And he lists the reasons of his gratitude; God's love, God's faithfulness were worthy of his thankfulness. God's name was holy as was the Word of God. All of the psalmist's prayers were answered and he remembered the kindess and power of God to help him, and he knew he could always count on God no matter the challenge or difficulty. And, the psalmist knew that his life was a work in progress and would not be complete without the help of God. "Finish what you started in me, God. Your love is eternal - don't quit on me now."

The scriptures for the week have spoken of the might and majesty of God, and the response the humans showed when confronted with it. The first four disciples were disarmed by the supernatural power of God over nature, and the magnificent catch of fish; Paul saw more than his share of toil and trouble in his life after saying Yes to God and serving Him faithfully. The ancient prophet, also saw the power of God during a time of grief and responded positivly to serving God as a prophet; llving lives of Yes even when the challenges of the world screamed No!

Whatever God has started in you, He will finish because God's love is eternal, meaning it knows no bounds, and will have no end. We must respond with faith and gratitude and God will do the rest!

PRAYER: Loving God, bless us to be blessings. Fill our hearts with gratitude and praise; and let us move forward to where You have led us. We pray your continued guidance on that which You have started in us, and we thank You for Your love, in Christ Jesus we pray, amen.

Have a great and blessed day in the Lord. Say thank you to God in ways that bless Him.

Receive my blessings of joy and love,

Pastor Eradio Valverde, Jr.