Friday, January 05, 2024

A Symphonic Praise

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1 Bravo, God, bravo! Gods and all angels shout, "Encore!" 2 In awe before the glory, in awe before God's visible power. Stand at attention! Dress your best to honor him! 3 God thunders across the waters, Brilliant, his voice and his face, streaming brightness - God, across the flood waters. 4 God's thunder tympanic, God's thunder symphonic. 5 God's thunder smashes cedars, God topples the northern cedars. 6 The mountain ranges skip like spring colts, The high ridges jump like wild kid goats. 7 God's thunder spits fire. 8 God thunders, the wilderness quakes; He makes the desert of Kadesh shake. 9 God's thunder sets the oak trees dancing A wild dance, whirling; the pelting rain strips their branches. We fall to our knees - we call out, "Glory!" 10 Above the floodwaters is God's throne from which his power flows, from which he rules the world. 11 God makes his people strong. God gives his people peace. (Psalm 29 The Message Bible)

Happy Friday! Dear Friend, may this find you well. Given that Monday was the New Year finds us a day behind with today usually featuring stories gathered together as our Friday Faith Feeding, but we must give the psalmist his due; a study into the 29th Psalm. I pray it bring a special blessing to your life and all that you do for the Lord Jesus!

I was blessed to have spent many of my formative years in a small Texas town, on a street that was just down from Texas A & I University. Our street ended right at what I beleive was Jones Auditorium. And it was in that same auditorium that I was exposed to symphonic music by the A&I Symphony. I heard music that seemed straight from Heaven itself with instuments that I deemed exotic. The tympani drums, the oboe, the cello, bells and woodwind and brass instruments. I'm also thankful that I grew up in a church where every Sunday we had an organ and piano providing the accompaniment for our singing hymns to the Lord. I learned that music can trigger a lot of emotions and reactions, and most of it worked to soothe my young mind and heart.

The psalmist loved music too. He loved writing it and experiencing it. He loved how music had the power to soothe the king's anger when Saul would have fits of rages that sent his mind to demonic regions; only music could draw him back and to that place where he needed to be. I belleve David loved music so much that he heard it everywhere. Many of his psalms attribute music to nature itself and how awesome are thunderstorms when the ground cries for refreshing and strength and the psalmist heard in those noises the praises that God deserves. If God is truly present everywhere, He is present in the renewing of the earth with rain and the music that sometimes accompanies its arrival and distribution. Remember this little boy's fascination with the timpani, so was Saul, and he heard it in the thunder and even above the flood waters; all working to make creation strong and new.

Imagine standing in the midst of a powerful thunderstorm, hearing the thunder roll and seeing the lightning strike. The psalmist draws from this awe-inspiring experience to describe the voice of the Lord. The thunderous sound is likened to the voice of God, reflecting His might and authority.

In our lives, we may face storms of various kinds—trials, uncertainties, or challenges that shake our foundation. Yet, just as the thunderstorm reveals the power and grandeur of God, these storms can remind us of the strength and authority of our Heavenly Father.

Despite the chaos and noise around us, God’s voice speaks above it all, offering comfort, guidance, and assurance. His voice is a voice of strength and peace, cutting through the chaos of life, reminding us of His presence and control over all things.

The psalmist concludes by acknowledging the Lord's enduring blessings and peace to His people. Even in the midst of life's storms, God's voice brings us hope and stability, assuring us of His faithful love that endures forever. This is the same voice that spoke from the heavens above the water when His beloved Son was baptized; "This is my Son in whom I am well pleased."

Let this Psalm be a reminder that when the storms of life rage, we can find solace and strength in the voice of our Almighty God. His voice speaks peace, His presence offers comfort, and His power gives us assurance. May we always listen for His voice above the noise and find our refuge in Him. Just as Jesus chose to present Himself for baptism, He chooses to stand beside us during our deepest times of need.

PRAYER: Gracious God, we thank You for Your mighty presence in the midst of life's storms. Help us to hear Your voice above the chaos, guiding us with Your wisdom and strength. Grant us peace and assurance as we trust in Your unwavering love. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Have a great and blessed day in the Lord! YOUR CALL TO ACTION: Be open and willing to hear God's voice in all things especially when we need it most.

Receive my love and thankfullness for you!

Pastor Eradio Valverde, Jr.