Good day dear friends.
We continue our prayers for the needs of those around us and for
those personal needs. God is gracious and loving and hears and
answers all prayers. Not always like we'd like, but there is no
such thing as an unanswered prayer.
We continue our study of boldness as a mark of a disciple. Here is
our study guide for today:
Tuesday: In Matthew 5:5 we find the interesting teaching by Jesus
regarding, "the meek." Does this not contradict boldness? Didn't
Jesus teach us to be "meek?" Try to find a definition of the
word "meek" that does justice to it. HINT: It doesn't mean
being "mouselike." The answer only thru email!
The NIV version of that passage:
"Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth."
Most people think of one who is meek is also a floor mat, in other
words, one who gets stepped on all the time. Yet the original
meaning for the word as used by Jesus meant, "Blessed (or happy) are
those who know when to keep their temper or know when to be angry
for the right reasons." It in learning this that I realized what
Jesus meant. Jesus doesn't want Christians to be timid or
mouselike, Jesus wants those who are His believers to control their
temper when it best serves God's purpose but also who get angry when
it is the right thing to do. Another source says that being meek
means being godly even in the face of oppression. For us to have
boldness as a mark means to know we are guided by God and sometimes
we are guided to speak up on behalf of those who cannot speak up for
themselves or to speak out against injustice. In our recent history
as a nation we have seen different issues that have necessitated our
speaking up as Christians to bring about the needed social change.
Of course there will be Christians on both sides of any given issue,
but the call from Jesus is to remain godly and obedient to His
Where do you believe God is leading you to be bold? How are you
being meek? Are you being too quiet about injustice and
oppression? Has evil, injustice, and oppression kept you quiet when
you should be screaming out for "the freedom and power God gives you
to resist evil, injustice and oppression in whatever forms they
present themselves"? (UMH, Service of Baptism). We may not have
been baptized under these exact words, but our children have. Are
we going to stay true to the vows we've taken on their behalf?
PRAYER: God of love and justice, speak to our hearts about where
You would have us be bold and how we would be meek. As we face
evil, injustice, and oppression, help us to speak Your words
concerning that which we feel led to proclaim and share. We pray in
Jesus' name. Amen.
Have a great and blessed day.