Wednesday, January 04, 2006


Good day dear friends. This is THE day! This is the day unlike any other days. The crime rates of two of the biggest states in the union will drop tonight. Would be muggers and burglars will drop what they planned to do to make their way to the television. This is the day there is NO major meeting scheduled in any rational church or synagogue. Even our choir met last night to rehearse for Sunday instead of tonight. Charge Conferences scheduled for tonight have caused death threats to persons in authority. This is the day years from now little Longhorns will ask, "Why is this night different from all the rest?" And mommies and daddys will answer (O Lord, hear our prayer!) "Because tonight the overrated USC Trojans got spanked by Texas, that's why!" For those of you living in smaller states I believe you have deduced what I am referring to. The number one and number two teams in the country meet tonight. With apologies to President Greenway and others from Pennsylvania, last night's game was impressive. Triple overtime and Penn pulled it out, that was good. It was a great battle for third place. Tonight is the deciding night for number one. Okay, enough for now. (More later?)

Here is our study guide for today:

Wednesday: For our day of prayer and purpose, let’s consider all we hope to accomplish for ourselves, our God, and our loved ones during this New Year. Many of us have made resolutions to ourselves about what it is we need to do better. Make this a part of your prayer life. If we involve God in our efforts and ask God’s help we will better accomplish our goals. Be in prayer for God’s church that we may strive to reach more people for the Kingdom of God in 2006!

Have a great and blessed day!
