Good day dear friends and a Happy New Year to you all!
Those in worship yesterday will remember we studied the visit of the wise men to the Christ child. This was an early celebration of Epiphany before Friday's actual day. We talked about the wonder and awe that should be ours as we start a New Year. We will receive 364 new gifts of life and how we choose to receive them is up to us.
Here is our study guide for today:
Monday: Please read Numbers 24:17. What does this passage reference in relation to Sunday’s text? Now find Isaiah 60:3. What reference is this? Read please now Psalm 72:10-14. Again, what reference to these visitors can we find there? Finally, find Psalm 69:29 and read what it says there about Jesus’ visitors.
To continue our study of this visit from the East, I thought it would be interesting to see what Old Testament scriptures would speak to us about the coming birth of this special child. The first comes from Numbers 24:17 I see him, but not now; I behold him, but not near— a star shall come out of Jacob, and a scepter shall rise out of Israel. Of all the OT books, most people count (pun intended!) Numbers as perhaps the least favorite for it contains more of a census than anything else, yet from it we find this first reference to a star coming out of Jacob. The magi followed the Christmas star from their land to Bethlehem and as Matthew tells us it led them right to where the child was.
Matthew, as the author of what some call the Gospel for the Jews, emphasizes this visit as one by royalty thus our also calling the magi "The Three Kings." We find in this Isaiah passage this prophecy: "3 Nations shall come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your dawn." This passage speaks of nations, and in keeping with the tradition of these magi being kings, it was believed each was from a different nation, and the "kings" reference further says what Matthew believed, to the side of where the child was came the kings.
The Psalmist in the 72nd Psalm verses 10-14 writes these words: "10 May the kings of Tar'shish and of the isles render him tribute, may the kings of She'ba and Se'ba bring gifts. 11 May all kings fall down before him, all nations give him service. 12 For he delivers the needy when they call, the poor and those who have no helper. 13 He has pity on the weak and the needy, and saves the lives of the needy. 14 From oppression and violence he redeems their life; and precious is their blood in his sight." This prophecy goes beyond just sharing about the visit by kings, this reference says they will bring gifts and also talks about what the child would offer the world, in this case a concern and salvation of the needy and the redemption of those who are being oppressed and treated violently.
The last reference in the Psalms comes from the 68th Psalm verse 29 this reference: "29 Because of your temple at Jerusalem kings will bring you gifts." Again a reference to kings coming bearing gift to the Messiah.
I asked the children during children's time who received the greater gift? The child Jesus in the three gifts the magi brought to him or the magi in having experienced the child and the fulfillment of prophecy in this birth. I couldn't convince the children that the magi got the greater gift. Even after I started preaching to the adults I heard the voice answer me as I posed the questions to the adults, "Jesus!" We could argue the point but we won't. I still believe we received the greatest gift in God sharing His only Son with us during this time. And each day of this new year God will continue to offer His son to us as He who can walk and comfort us with the surprise that may come to us with each day. Life is lived better knowing that regardless of what tomorrow holds we know Who holds tomorrow. Let God hold you!
PRAYER: We thank you again loving God for the gift of this New Year and more importantly for the gift of Your Son Jesus. Let He be who walks with us each day so that whatever today may bring we can enjoy and/or face it together. We don't know what tomorrow holds but we know who holds tomorrow and that is You so please hold on to us tightly. We pray in Jesus' name, amen.
Have a great and blessed day!
**FOR MEMBERS OF FIRST UMC-SAN MARCOS: This coming Sunday we will be having a fellowship covered dish luncheon immediately after eleven o'clock worship sponsored by the Festival committee. This will be to help familiarize all of us to the second annual Festival for Christ in which we will raise money for our church bus. Please make plans to be present for this meal.