Wednesday, May 24, 2006


Good day dear friends.

Good news for Parker Del Brown and his mommy, Jamie, and daddy, Eric. He gets to go home today with his mom. At least that's the plan from my visit with them last evening.

Julie Lusby undergoes surgery in a couple of hours at CTMC. Please hold Julie and husband Stephen in prayer.

This is our day of prayer and purpose. We seek not only to pray but to live out our prayer:

Wednesday: For our day of prayer and purpose, make a list of the questions you have about life. In it I’m sure you may have some unanswered ones about life and death. You may have lost something or someone in your past. As you list each one, offer it up as a prayer of thanksgiving to God. Yes, you read right, as a thanksgiving to God. Let God speak to your heart as you find that which came to you as a result of your loss. If it’s a loved one who no longer is with you, what have you received from God in terms of God speaking to you? Let the Lord bring you blessing upon blessing in this exercise. Please be in prayer for those who have lost loved ones and whose lives may have stopped. Pray that God bring meaning and purpose to them today and all days.

Have a great and blessed day!
