Tuesday, October 09, 2007


Good day dear friends.
Here is our study guide for today:
Tuesday: Ezekiel 4, 5, 6In what sense was Jerusalem “in the center of the nations” (Ezekiel 5:5)?
The people of God were called to be a nation of priests. They were called to be a "light to all nations," never to be one like all the rest. Their lives, their worship, their manner of dealings with others, was to be an example of what it means to be a nation of God, ruled by God, and guided by Him. Jerusalem as their capital was to be the "center of all nations" so that in the capital city they could see the leaders, the chief priests, the leading citizens doing what it was that those who belong to God do.
But it was not that way. Jerusalem became just like all the cities of the world, lost, misguided, sinful.
You and I when we became Christians were called to be like those original people of God; an example to others, not like the others. We are to be the salt and light to others, having the positive impact on our neighbors, coworkers, relatives and friends, not the other way around. Sadly, quite too often, we give in and say, what's the use, I'll just be like everybody else. No one will ever see a better way to live in us, because we've given up and we live just like those who don't know Christ.
PRAYER: Loving Jesus, let me live like You and may You be seen in me. Give me strength to hold on and to be like You in all things. May others see in me a better way to live! I pray this in Your precious name, amen.
Have a great and blessed day in the Lord!