Monday, October 15, 2007


Good day dear friends.
Here is our study guide for today:
Monday: Ezekiel 23, 24, 25The language in Ezekiel 23 is direct and explicit. Draw from it a description of the apostasy and faithlessness of Israel and Judah addressed in this allegory.
I doublechecked the language in the New Revised Standard Version with The Message version, and they're both pretty much alike. It is very explicit language and with a reason. God's anger in his message comes through about Samaria and Jerusalem's behavior when it comes to God. Instead of being faithful to God they have become like slaves to sex in their worship of idols and other false gods. They even have gone so far as to sacrifice children to appease their idol worship. None of this was acceptable to God. All went against what God expected from His children.
To be faithless to God is a serious offense even today. We know of His love for us yet we go seeking love, as the songs says, in all the wrong places. And to quote yet another song (I'm on a roll today!) we end up looking in low places. Ours is a higher calling. Ours is to follow Heaven. And what do we do? We follow the here and now and the instant gratification. We know little of sacrifice, patience, and obedience. We seldom think in spiritual terms any more. And we pay the price.
PRAYER: Living God, remind me again and again of the things that are Yours. Remind me that I am Yours and should live my life in that way. Help me to be a light and beacon to others about You. I ask this in Jesus' Name, amen.
Have a great and blessed day in the Lord!