Dear God, whatever this dear reader may face today, be there with her or him with strength and peace. In Jesus' Name, amen.
The Psalmist said about his intentions, "As a deer longs for flowing streams, so my soul longs for you, O God. (Psalm 42:1). Leading with HEART says that we should "Remember to look for my loving intentions." In all, as we seek for the greatness within, we should also look for the other person's loving intentions. What's behind what s/he is saying to us? Can you find the love that may be motivating this person to say or ask for what they're bringing to us? Again, not all people will be motivated by love of God, but still we patiently have to seek what it is they do love. And this would be a great time to seek our own motives and love behind what we say. Is it love of God that motivates us? Is it the love for others? Or is it the love of comfort, tradition, territory, or habit that is behind what we are saying or asking?
In Acts, chapter 15 we encounter a meeting between Christians of differing opinion. Some believed one could not be a Christian in those days, unless one was circumcised (v. 1) and this caused "no small dissension" between Paul and Barnabas against those making that claim. What was the loving intention behind each side? The side calling for circumcision was calling for a holding on to Jewish ways. They believed one must be a Jew first, then a Christian. Paul and Barnabas believed differently. It was Peter who speaks up and makes the point of the moving of the Holy Spirit among them, "and in cleansing their hearts by faith he has made no distinction between them and us." (v. 9). Can we ask for the Holy Spirit to move among us?
So far, we've covered, "Hearing and understanding others." We learned, "Even if you disagree, please don't make me wrong." As we interact, "Acknowledge the greatness within me." And today's "Remember to look for my loving intentions. A checklist for cooperation and partnership in all endeavors, but especially ministry.
PRAYER: Loving God of all, let the Holy Spirit move within me today and each day, that I may truly be a person who loves and seeks You. May I also be open to seeking the loving intentions of others, especially those who may disagree with me. I ask this in Jesus' Name, amen.
Have a great and blessed day in the Lord!
Eradio Valverde