Lord of life, may today bring fullness of life to this dear reader. In Jesus' Name, amen!
This Thursday morning may have seemed like any other, though Peter felt excited and scared. The crowds on Sunday really excited him, but Jesus' immediate actions later that day in the Temple scared him. That may have been the reason he carried the sword a little closer than usual. Little did Peter know that later that day, he would deny Jesus. Denying Jesus would have been the last thing on the mind of he whom we consider the chief disciple. Peter was in on every decision. Peter spoke first in almost all recorded conversations with Jesus. Peter wasn't always right and yes, perhaps he should have thought out his words, but he shared his opinion. Peter was first a disciple of John the Baptist. Peter saw and heard in John a message of life and the freedom that can be ours by accepting God's mercy for our sins. He walked on water! Peter may have been the first in line at the Jordan River to be baptized. As he stood in that line he didn't worry about tradition and heritage or custom, that his washing was for those just a bit above swine, the Gentiles; John was calling everyone forward who wanted to repent of their sins, and Peter was there.
The message changed his life that he followed John as a disciple. His heart wanted to know more about God and the message of love from God that somehow he missed or was not shared with him through participation in worship. Peter continued his job as fisherman and those quiet hours of being on the surface of the water allowed him to pray and reflect more on his life and on God. It was the logical next step to follow Him who was called "the Lamb of God who comes to take away sin!" Peter and his brother left the side of John to become disciples of Jesus.
What lay ahead for this incredible man, must have thought Peter? I called Him, Messiah, the Son of God, and I meant it, but what does it mean for today and for our being here in Jerusalem? Could an uprising against Rome be far off? Could I become one of the generals in that revolt? Would Jesus be crowned king, yes, he could and yes, he would be King! Not once I would guess, did Peter dream he would see Jesus arrested, hauled off as a criminal, and that later that same day, he would stand by a fire wondering, frightened, nervous, scared about what could possibly come next. Three times Peter would deny that he even knew Jesus; and this after three years of learning and serving alongside Him.
Tonight you have the same choice. Proclaim him as King of kings and Lord of lords. Or, you could deny that you even know Him. You can sit at his table and enjoy the fellowship of His presence. Or, you can go on your merry way, worried about yourself or your family, and not have one thought for Who Jesus really is in your life.
PRAYER: Loving God, as I reflect on my life and the needs in my life, help me to realize that I need You. Let me make the choice of life in seeking and receiving all that You have offered me. Let me proclaim Jesus as King of kings, and Lord of lords. I ask this in Jesus' Name, amen.
Have a great and blessed day in the Lord!
Eradio Valverde
Tonight in most churches here in the United States, there will be a service to remember Jesus and the disciples as they celebrated Passover but made it the Passover of Jesus. Here in Harlingen, the United Methodists will be united at First UMC at 7 to remember and celebrate Holy Communion on this Maundy Thursday. Surprise your pastor and be in church!