Amazing God of amazing grace, pour sweetly Your grace on the challenges and needs of this dear reader; in Christ Jesus I pray, amen.
The text for today, a favorite Bible verse for many: 14 Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my rock and my redeemer. Psalm 19
There are varying opinions on the daily word allowance between men and women. For argument's sake let's use this one: Men get 15,000 and women get 30,000. And we're talking words not what women want to spend in a shopping spree. Though some women, okay most women would say that's what a man would spend on a boat or a new rifle. Words. Some use more, some use less. And we're talking usually, not all. Some men use more words than women. And some women exceed the 30,000 imaginary, pretend, let's-have-fun-number for today. And yes, there's even a joke: A husband comes home excited to prove to his wife that women usually "outspend" men in their word uses per day and he points to an article he has found in the newspaper, "You see, honey, you women speak 30,000 words per day and us men only about, roughly 15,000! You DO talk too much!" She calmly replies, "That's because we usually have to repeat everything we say." He replies, "What?"
The Psalmist says his desire is to make his words count before the Lord. He is aware as we should be as well, that sometimes we misuse words. We tend to tear down instead of build up others, especially and sadly sometimes our children. This week I have been aware of how hungry some children are to hear words of love and encouragement from their parents. Some children are practically starving to hear their dad or mom say, "I love you" or something like "I'm proud of you." A television show we watched last night showed a dad trying to have a conversation and the ideal moment for the dad was when the son was looking for something to eat in the fridge and as the dad starts to talk the son tries to turn around to face the father and the dad says, "Don't look at me!" The conversation proceeded. But at least it happened. And think of the times we have not said words like that to God. I love you, God. Thank you, Lord.
Jesus said what is in our heart is what comes out of our mouth. It's hard to think of others if we are self-centered. It's difficult to think of God if we are me-centered and me-serving. The Psalmist says, "Let the meditation of my heart be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my rock and my redeemer." Do we seek to please God with our words? Have we tried to praise God in an effective way to others? Do people see in us a faith and a trust in God that says God is our rock and our redeemer?
PRAYER: Loving God, I ask that you forgive me for the misuse of my words. My heart hasn't always been right and I have hurt dear ones in my life. I ask that my heart be made right with You today so that my hearts would be pleasing to you and life-giving to others. I ask this in Christ Jesus' precious name, amen.
Have a great and blessed day in the Lord!
Eradio Valverde