O God who never sleeps, bless the life and needs of this dear reader today and all days; in Christ Jesus' name I pray, amen.
While we drove home from church last night, the activities of today were just beginning. While we slept last night, Jesus didn't. The disciples had no trouble sleeping; in fact, they slept while Jesus prayed and they were asleep while Jesus had asked them to join Him in prayer. While some snored soundly in their beds, a trial went on. And all of this started with a kiss.
I mention kiss because that's how Judas betrayed Jesus. He led the arresting party to the garden and kissed Jesus. His kiss was not as important as the kiss of God upon His Son and upon all that the Son did and endured last night and today. God kissed us through the bread and wine. God kissed our sins away through what will be celebrated tonight.
Jesus led the disciples in the singing of a hymn. Then the drama started. Peter stated he would not stand for anything happening to Jesus and even that he would follow Jesus to the death. (Luke 22:33). Jesus calmly replied that Peter would betray Him three times before the cock crowed once. Jesus led the men to the Mount of Olives, a quiet place where Jesus knew He could pray. His instructions to the disciples: "Pray that you may not enter into temptation." He then began His prayer time. "Father, if Thou art willing, remove this cupe from Me; yet not My will, but Thine be done." Luke records the presence of an angel to strengthen Jesus. As He continued praying, His sweat became like drops of blood, falling down upon the ground. When His prayer time ended, He found the disciples asleep.
Then the kiss that I mentioned above, Judas' kiss of betrayal upon Jesus. Then Peter cut off the right ear of a slave belonging to the high priest. Jesus stopped him and healed the ear of the slave. Then the trial began. Peter denied Jesus. Jesus was condemned. Jesus would die.
While we slept, most of us in our comfortable beds, Jesus did not. The peace we enjoyed while sleeping, Jesus did not; the weight of our sins heavy on His heart.
PRAYER: I confess that I slept well, dear God and for that I am thankful. I slept well because on that night Your Son did not. I know that my sins were heavy on His heart and because of the love in that heart, Jesus died for me. May I never take that for granted and may my faith make this truly a Good Friday. I pray in Jesus' Name, amen.
Have a great and blessed day in the Lord.
Eradio Valverde