God of the Resurrection, bring to life the life of this dear reader, blessing them in their needs and challenges; in Christ Jesus' Name I pray, amen.
Our text today is part of our text from yesterday: Matthew 28: Go therefore and make disciples of all nations.
Yesterday we talked about our job description and what usually is missing in the job description is the how. Some would like for the job description to say how exactly. We talked about the "go" in our Great Commission and the question today is in the "make" part. Most believers think this is to go and make more church members. And while that is admirable and needed, the reality is a church member is not necessarily a believer or disciple. What did Jesus want us to do? To make more members so that when our nominations committees meet we have enough warm bodies to form our committees? Did Jesus say, Go and make committees? Did Jesus also say, go and make decisions?
One of the clues we have about being disciples we have from Jesus Himself: John 13:35: By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another. Hmm. That's a tall order for some people and for many churches. You see we're in love mainly with ourselves, our traditions, our pews, our friends, our routines, our ... do I really need to go on? The question we need to ask ourselves is, Do I love everyone that I come in contact with at my church? Here's one way to answer that: Have you been asked to be a greeter? And honestly, you don' t have to be asked, you should already be one!
Think about it: You are where you are because God loved you. God sent His only Son to the world because of you and the love God has for you. The love you show others is the love you are showing God.
PRAYER: God of all love, forgive me for being so in love with myself, my routines, my habits and my territory. Help me love one another and to be a disciple-maker. I can do this only with the love You place in my heart, the words you place on my lips, and the action I show others today. I pray this prayer of faith in Jesus' name, amen.
Have a great and blessed day in the Lord!
Eradio Valverde