Thursday, December 03, 2020

Restoration, Revival, and Romance - The Corrected Edition!!

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Yes, we all make mistakes for different reasons; I blame mine on being tired.  As many of you know I have a new venture; won't quite call it a career yet, but since October 15th until next Monday, December 7th, I have been driving from Seguin to San Antonio; a trip of some 33 miles mostly on Interstate 10 (what fun!) which takes a good 45-55 minutes.  The wear and tear of this fun-packed highway take a toll on this old man.  LOL.  And, though I mostly sit and wait for folks to walk up; thank God some do; some come with problems, and yesterday even with pandemic induced anger.  Yes, I got hollered at for this woman having been laid off from her "airport job" due to this Covid.  I should  mention she started with her anger at wearing masks, which I believe most of us have, but endure to protect others and ourselves, but she was yelling so loudly, an assistant manager came over to see what was going on.  Her presence made the woman walk off and she eventually left the store for not wearing her mask.  The assistant manager asked if I was okay, and smiled and replied I was a retired pastor and I had seen and heard it all. Did I mention I was counting the hours until next Monday?  Big smile.  That's when the Annual Enrolllment Period for Medicare Advantage policies ends.  I would also add that on December 15th, the Open Enrollment for The Marketplace, where one can purchase low-cost insurance policies known as the Affordable Care Act, ends on that day.  My presence for this part of my venture continues by phone even though my in-store presence ends on Monday. Hiding the big smile.   

Anyway, in today's devotional I did not complete a thought I had about the devotional regarding David and Walt Disney.  The original reads:  

"Walt Disney gets credit from some who say he ruined nature by animating it, giving it voice, naming wild animals, and adding purpose to lives of otherwise mundane creatures; but given this passage and others like it, that credit really belongs to David the King and Shepherd poet who saw beyond the everyday and saw the hand of God in all things and animates it in a way that embodies all aspects of God's character and attributes in that which seeks to complete the story of God's love for you and me. "

Not all people say that Mr. Disney "ruined nature," nor am I implying that King David has also ruined nature; quite the opposite for both; I believe they both added a needed attribute to God's marvelous creature.  

Thank you, dear Reader, for your patient understanding.  I thank you again for being a reader and subscriber to ConCafe.  Please continue to pray for me that I may indeed be a vessel for God's Holy Word.


Pastor Eradio Valverde