Tuesday, May 03, 2022

Knowing the Master's Voice

IMage from zn-ch-facebook.com

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22 They were celebrating Hanukkah just then in Jerusalem. It was winter. 23 Jesus was strolling in the Temple across Solomon's Porch. 24 The Jews, circling him, said, "How long are you going to keep us guessing? If you're the Messiah, tell us straight out." 25 Jesus answered, "I told you, but you don't believe. Everything I have done has been authorized by my Father, actions that speak louder than words. 26 You don't believe because you're not my sheep. 27 My sheep recognize my voice. I know them, and they follow me. 28 I give them real and eternal life. They are protected from the Destroyer for good. No one can steal them from out of my hand. 29 The Father who put them under my care is so much greater than the Destroyer and Thief. No one could ever get them away from him. 30 I and the Father are one heart and mind." (John 10:22-30 New International Version Bible)

A blessed and marvelous Monday to you, dear Friend! May the joy and peace of the Lord bless you and keep you, and may you not hold back on sharing, giving, loving, and helping all who come to you in need. A great praise report from Mrs. Donna Hisey regarding the twins: "Good Sunday afternoon, the babies are doing well and able to now be held by parents and grandparents. Boe has gained and is a whopping 2#13oz and Creek is maintaining at 3#. The dad has been granted an indefinite leave right now from his national guard duties so he will get to stay home. What a blessing and relief for my niece." Also, we ask for continued prayers for Mr. Barry Boothe, "who is still in the hospital and still has chest tube in, draining fluids, hopefully first part of next week they will know what r the results of fluid. Hopefully and 🙏🙏 they figure issues out." So, our continued prayers for Barry and his family. This latest update on The Rev. Roberto Gomez: "CT Scan of lungs showed inflammation due to pneumonia, but has no damaged lung tissue or anything else. Continue prayers for Roberto and Juanita." Also, prayers for The Rev. Dr. David Maldonado, originally from Seguin, and former president of Iliff School of Theology in Denver, and a retired UM pastor; his wife Charlotte, herself a daughter of a UM pastor, passed away this weekend. Prayers of comfort and peace for David and his family. On Saturday, Ms. Judi Oestreich shared: "After dbl heart cath recovery I know my bypasses and valve are OK. I just have a very weak heart. I pray it will be strong enough to do your will. And today we bring Kenneth home after 8 months. Tests are lined up and we pray he gets the options for his future that is in his heart. Thank you Lord!" May we pray that Kenneth and Judi enjoy God's peace and blessing of health and wholeness now and in the days and years ahead. And prayers for Nellie and myself as we're taking a week's vacation and so ConCafe may be sporatic this week.

Today's passage confirms again Who Jesus is. As this special season was being celebrated, Hanukkah, Jesus in the Temple in Jerusalem is confronted by "The Jews," who ask, "How long are you going to keep us guessing? If you're the Messiah, tell us straight out." Gosh, they were feeling frustration, on top of the resentment and murderous anger; must be rough being a part of the religious leadership of the Jews? "If You're the Messiah, tell us straight out." Testy fellas aren't they? Then calmly Jesus says, "I told you, but you don't believe. Everything I have done has been authorized by my Father, actions that speak louder than words. You don't believe because you're not my sheep." Ouch. Truth hurts. Would it be rude to ask whose "goats" they are? They knew a voice, but it wasn't Jesus'. I suspect it was the very loud voice of tradition and routine. You may have heard that voice from time to time, or defnitely seen the works of those who are only tuned in to that voice. Jesus continued, "My sheep recognize my voice. I know them, and they follow me. I give them real and eternal life. They are protected from the Destroyer for good. No one can steal them from out of my hand." Hmm, again a question, what sort of life were these leaders offering to those who bothered to listen to them? I'm willing to guess it wasn't a real life after all, and a temporary one at that. Jesus affirms that God the Father is stronger and greater than the Destroyer and the Thief. And there is no one, no power, no force greater than God; and that you can take that to the bank.

With Easter so fresh in our hearts and minds, we can use this time to re-affirm that we belong to Jesus, Who has, through His death and resurrection, given us real and eternal life and that we are safe and secure in God's embrace not just now but through all eternity. Friends, it takes the Lord's strength to help us steer clear of the other voices that may come and try to lead us astray. The Lord's voice is sweet, loud, and clear; and it will always lead us to life.

PRAYER: Loving God, bless this dear reader to come to know Your voice like never before. May the other tempting voices that call to them not be neither tempting nor strong; bring the fullness of life to them like never before. May the needs shared above bring honor and glory to Your name; this we pray in faith in Christ Jesus' strong name, amen.

Have a great and blessed day in the Lord! Show today that the voice of Jesus is blessing you!

Receive my blessings of joy and peace,

Pastor Eradio Valverde, Jr.