Thursday, May 12, 2022

The Only Name Worth Praising!

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1 Hallelujah! Praise God from heaven, praise him from the mountaintops; 2 Praise him, all you his angels, praise him, all you his warriors, 3 Praise him, sun and moon, praise him, you morning stars; 4 Praise him, high heaven, praise him, heavenly rain clouds; 5 Praise, oh let them praise the name of God - he spoke the word, and there they were! 6 He set them in place from all time to eternity; He gave his orders, and that's it! 7 Praise God from earth, you sea dragons, you fathomless ocean deeps; 8 Fire and hail, snow and ice, hurricanes obeying his orders; 9 Mountains and all hills, apple orchards and cedar forests; 10 Wild beasts and herds of cattle, snakes, and birds in flight; 11 Earth's kings and all races, leaders and important people, 12 Robust men and women in their prime, and yes, graybeards and little children. 13 Let them praise the name of God - it's the only Name worth praising. His radiance exceeds anything in earth and sky; 14 he's built a monument - his very own people! Praise from all who love God! Israel's children, intimate friends of God. Hallelujah! (Psalm 148 The Message Bible)

A Blessed and Tremendous Thursday to you, Friend! I pray you have chosen to make this your best day ever, and that no one nor anything will deter you from doing the will of God for your life. We always have a choice to select an attitude for the day, so choose the positive, life-affirming one that blesses you and others. Let us continue to praise God with all our being and let our praise continue to bless others as we pray for the needs and hurts around us. Pray for one another; pray for peace in the world, and for your needs.

I don't know how to explain it, but you've probably seen it. There are some babies born with a natural joy that leads them to laugh, giggle, jump, and dance. And some more so in church settings. They're a delight to watch. And I know we're all made differently, but some of us can and do discover the desire to find how to truly praise and enjoy God. Some people have to be coerced to praise God; others find it a second nature to praise God's name. And this psalm shows us the truth that creation finds it a first nature to praise God. The psalmist saw things and wrote about them. He had seen nature in full praise mode towards God. He recapped the Creation story by making it a part of the psalm and praise. The order of Creation, the creation of the seen and unseen, the meek and the monsters, all part of God's plan and all worthy of God's praise. Everything created is under God's control and direction, even the kings of the earth and all peoples, under God's control. All, regardless of age or body condition, should join in the praise of God. God's name is the only name worth praising. God's radiance exceeds through all the earth, and God's main monument is us, those created by Him for Himself and we should praise God.

Dear one, may praise become a daily expression of our gratitude to God for all we have and all that we are. Praise can be expression and extension of what is in our hearts. The more people we get to join us in praise the better harmony we will see among all people.

PRAYER: Loving God, may my heart learn to praise You daily and sincerely. May it be what unites us and promotes true harmony among all people. This we pray in Christ Jesus' strong name, amen.

Have a great and blessed day in the Lord! Show some praise among those you love.

Receive my blessings of hope and peace,

Pastor Eradio Valverde

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