Friday, June 07, 2024

Give Thanks to Our God!

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1 Thank you! Everything in me says "Thank you!" Angels listen as I sing my thanks. 2 I kneel in worship facing your holy temple and say it again: "Thank you!" Thank you for your love, thank you for your faithfulness; Most holy is your name, most holy is your Word. 3 The moment I called out, you stepped in; you made my life large with strength. 4 When they hear what you have to say, God, all earth's kings will say "Thank you." 5 They'll sing of what you've done: "How great the glory of God!" 6 And here's why: God, high above, sees far below; no matter the distance, he knows everything about us. 7 When I walk into the thick of trouble, keep me alive in the angry turmoil. With one hand strike my foes, With your other hand save me. 8 Finish what you started in me, God. Your love is eternal - don't quit on me now. (Psalm 138 The Message Bible)

There are, thank God, some people who are always thankful. No matter how small or big the gesture towards them, they quickly and sincerely respond with a heartfelt thank you. Then there are those who never heard of the word, well, never heard it on their lips. And there's a small group who would die if they ever heard it coming from their lips. Okay, I'm exaggerating, but it is true to a certain degree. Which are you?

In my life, God has opened so many doors, and even windows for me, that I can't begin to thank Him enough for all of His lovingkindess. Neither could the psalmist. He does a better job of describing it; "Everything in me says, "Thank you!" And he's even aware of all who listen in on his thanksgiving, i.e., "Angels listen as I sing my thanks." He describes his posture: Kneeling in worship as he faces the temple and says it again. I suspect the posture in his heart was equally similar. Again, what about you?

What stands out in this psalm is the intimate relationship between the psalmist and God. He testifies to the moment when he called out to God, and God answered, enlarging his life with strength. This personal experience of God's intervention fuels the psalmist's faith and confidence in God's ability to deliver.

Even in the face of trouble and opposition, the psalmist remains steadfast in his trust in God. He knows that God sees and understands everything, and he confidently appeals to God for protection and deliverance. The psalmist acknowledges his own vulnerability but finds assurance in God's unwavering love and commitment.

As we meditate on Psalm 138, let us be inspired to cultivate a heart of gratitude and trust in God's faithfulness. Let us echo the psalmist's praise, thanking God for His love and steadfastness in our lives. May we also find comfort in knowing that God is intimately acquainted with our circumstances and is always ready to come to our aid.

PRAYER: Loving and awesome God, We thank you for your unfailing love and faithfulness, as expressed in Psalm 138. Help us to cultivate hearts of gratitude and trust in you, even in the midst of challenges and uncertainties. Strengthen us with your presence and deliver us from every trouble we face. May your eternal love sustain us and empower us to live for your glory each day. This we pray in Christ Jesus' strong name, amen.

Have a great and blessed day in the Lord! YOUR CALL TO ACTION: Take a moment to reflect on God's faithfulness in your life. Consider the times when He has answered your prayers and provided for your needs. Spend time in prayer, offering thanks to God for His love and faithfulness. Let your heart be filled with gratitude and trust as you meditate on His Word and experience His presence today.

I love you and I thank God for you!

Pastor Eradio Valverde, Jr.