Thursday, June 13, 2024

God Is Strong; Us? Not So Much

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1-4 God answer you on the day you crash, The name God-of-Jacob put you out of harm’s reach, Send reinforcements from Holy Hill, Dispatch from Zion fresh supplies, Exclaim over your offerings, Celebrate your sacrifices, Give you what your heart desires, Accomplish your plans.

5 When you win, we plan to raise the roof and lead the parade with our banners. May all your wishes come true!

6 That clinches it—help’s coming, an answer’s on the way, everything’s going to work out.

7-8 See those people polishing their chariots, and those others grooming their horses? But we’re making garlands for God our God. The chariots will rust, those horses pull up lame— and we’ll be on our feet, standing tall.

9 Make the king a winner, God; the day we call, give us your answer. (Psalm 20 The Message Bible)

This coming Sunday being Father's Day, I have to say that most men and women usually believe their father is the strongest man who has ever lived. I was no exception. For as long as my Dad was alive, I thought there was no one stronger. Yes, years later illness and old age took their toll on his body, and I still held on to the ideal that there was no one stronger, but knew in my heart that yes, the day would come when I would also not be the strong man that I thought I was, or that my children have held me to be. This psalm tells us the truth; God is the strongest.

Psalm 20 is a powerful expression of trust in God's provision and protection. It begins with a community's prayer for someone (anyone) in need, invoking God's name and seeking His intervention. There's a beautiful imagery of God sending reinforcements and fresh supplies from His holy abode, ensuring that His people are equipped to face their challenges.

In verses 5-7, the tone shifts from petition to celebration. The psalmist declares confidence in God's response, expressing anticipation for victory and fulfillment of desires. It's a declaration of faith in God's faithfulness and His willingness to answer prayers.

However, amidst this assurance, there's a poignant reminder in verses 8-9. While some trust in chariots and horses—symbols of human strength and military might—the psalmist affirms their trust in God alone. They choose to adorn themselves not with symbols of earthly power but with offerings for God, acknowledging His supremacy and sovereignty over all.

PRAYER: Loving God, We thank You for the assurance found in Your Word, that You are our refuge and strength in times of trouble. We come before You with our needs and concerns, trusting in Your provision and protection. Help us to rely not on our own strength or the strength of the world, but on You alone. As we face the challenges of life, may we remember Your faithfulness and Your promises. Empower us by Your Spirit to walk in faith and obedience, knowing that You are always with us. This we pray in Christ Jesus' strong name, amen.

Have a great and blessed day in the Lord. YOUR CALL TO ACTION: Consider the areas in your life where you may be tempted to rely on your own strength or earthly resources. Take time to surrender those areas to God, placing your trust fully in Him.

I love you and I thank God for you,

Pastor Eradio Valverde, Jr.