Wednesday, September 28, 2005


Good day dear friends,

Let us be in prayer for the needs we have in our hearts, minds and spirits.

Here is our study guide for today:

Wednesday: For our day of prayer and purpose, remember what God has shared in your life. Take a look again at the insert shared with you called “God’s Table.” See if you can’t be blessed again by seeing just how much God freely shares with you.

GOD'S TABLE was a handout to help us focus on what God has shared with us. Using the imagery of the table found in Psalm 23, we wanted you to know that God's Table is full.

For Starters, how about:
A clear, blue sky
Laughter of a child
Comfortable shoes
A smile from a stranger
Live music in the air
The smell of outdoor cooking
A good night’s sleep

For Sides, how about:
A warm bed on a cold night
Friendly neighbors on the block
A loving, caring babysitter
Connecting to the words and melody of a song
Successfully completing a difficult task at school or work
Experiencing Christmas through the eyes of a child

For the Main Course, why not:
Unconditional love
A clean bill of health
An answered prayer
Reconciling after a fight
Forgiveness in any form
Endless hugs from your mother
Endless praise from your father
Being on the receiving end of prayer
Waking up next to the love of your life
Sharing a meal with family and close friends
Growing together in a small group
Discovering your passion
Second chances
Safe travel

And the bottom of the menu said, "Continued on Reverse" and there were lines for us to complete "The House Specials," blessings of our own listing. Why not do that now and make that a part of your prayer of gratitude?


Have a great day!
