Thursday, July 13, 2006


Good day dear friends.

We continue to affirm that Christ rose from the dead. Here is our study guide:

Thursday: Looking at Jesus’s resurrection makes us ask questions about our own resurrection. Our UM Hymnal (p.870)has a section on worship services including A Service of Death and Resurrection. Many have been the families that prefer A Celebration of the Life of ________. What do you suppose that says about our views of death and dying? How do you view your own death? Read John 11 and see there how one family dealt with the death of a family member.

People are afraid to talk about death, especially their own or of someone they love. That is why Jesus came to show us there is victory over death. His resurrection gives us hope for our won resurrection and the resurrection of those we love.

John 11 has the familiar story of the death and resurrection of Lazarus. It's an honest look at how families react to death. Mary and Martha were sisters, Lazarus was their brother. They were friends of Jesus and knew Jesus to be one whose prayers were heard by God, for they had seen Jesus do great things. Their faith said there is nothing Jesus couldn't do. When Lazarus got sick, they sent word to Jesus to come and be with them for their knew that Jesus could heal their brother. But if you're familiar with the story you know Jesus didn't run over to their house. He took His time in getting there. Lazarus died and was buried.

The sisters' reaction to Jesus' arrival give away how we sometimes feel about death, "Where were you Jesus? If you had only been here, this wouldn't have happened!" But even in the face of death, they knew that Jesus could do anything. And Jesus did. He raised Lazarus from the dead.

That story appears just before Jesus spoke about His own death when He was with his disciples. This occurs in John 14, where Jesus speaks to them about troubled hearts and His father's house, and how there were many dwelling places within. A clear promise of life after death.

Lazarus' resurrection was but a foretaste of the eternal spiritual resurrection he had after the second time he died. Remember that Lazarus did not live forever here on earth. He was raised from the dead only to die again some years later. But imagine his lack of fear, for what many call the unknown was known to him.

Jesus has made the unknown ours. As He rose from the dead, so will we. Ours will be eternal life.

Do you believe this?

PRAYER: Come, God of life and speak to my heart about my life. Let me know that all You have spoken is about and for me. Grant me the victory in all things. I pray this in Jesus' name. Amen.

Have a great and blessed day!
