Friday, January 25, 2008


Good day dear friends.
I dislike, strongly dislike the use of the word "hate," however, I come close to using that term when it comes to a certain company that loves to call my house, and probably yours, at different hours of the day. This morning that call came at 4:30 a.m. Not the best time of day to call to sell me something. I looked at the Caller ID and saw that it was my friends at that company, and so I just picked up and dropped the phone back into its cradle. Once up and ready to do this devotional, I decided to report this company, again, to the Do Not Call Registry that the US Government operates. This agency knows that not all companies will abide by its rules, and like this one particular company, will continue to hound us to either complete a short survery or consider buying whatever it is they are selling. What makes it worse is now text messages are appearing on my cell phone with offers to buy good from online pharmacies. Just what I needed!
If you are having problems with these annoying callers, you can register your home and cell phone numbers with the National Do Not Call Registry at You can just click on the Register part and follow their instructions. If only there was a way to block my email addresses from spammers...
I thought to myself you know there is a Do No Pray Registry and folks don't even have to sign up for it, they just live it. I shudder to think what life would be like if I didn't take time to pray. At Wednesday's study with the youth, we studied Dreams and Visions, and the one lesson we learned from Joseph and St. Paul, just two of many who experienced dreams and visions, the common thread was that these people were always connected with God and because of that they could be the recipients of God's dreams and visions. They were able to look over the heads of men and women and see God's vision for them. I asked the kids how they stayed connected with home or friends if they didn't carry their cell phones everywhere. Only one youth, and boy did she let us know it, does not own a cell phone. Thanks to the cell phone the myth that 2/3 of the world's population no longer can say they've never made a phone call. It's been interesting to see photos or news stories of remote areas of the world where you can see cell phones tucked into belts next to swords or guns or other weapons. One funny scene was in the OLD Crocodile Dundee movie where an aborigine is able to do something rather quickly fooling even Mick Dundee, and it was because of his cell phone and not smoke or drum signals.
Are you on the Do Not Pray Registry? That is the one that says you will not pray? Chances are because you are reading this that you are a person of prayer and for that I thank God for you. You help bless the church. Those who do not pray bring sadly, the opposite effect to God's church. If you do happen to be registerd as a Do Not Pray person, please change that right now. Pray!
PRAYER: Dear God, I thank You for all those who pray. I thank You for those who seek You through their prayers and have blessed Your church. I ask Lord You would touch those who do not pray and help them to see they would do so much more if they would just take time to pray. Be glorified today in me I ask, in Jesus' Name, amen.
Have a great and blessed day in the Lord!