Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Embrace Repentance

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12 When Peter saw he had a congregation, he addressed the people: 13 The God of Abraham and Isaac and Jacob, the God of our ancestors, has glorified his Son Jesus. The very One that Pilate called innocent, you repudiated. 14 You repudiated the Holy One, the Just One, and asked for a murderer in his place. 15 You no sooner killed the Author of Life than God raised him from the dead - and we're the witnesses. 16 Faith in Jesus' name put this man, whose condition you know so well, on his feet - yes, faith and nothing but faith put this man healed and whole right before your eyes. 17 "And now, friends, I know you had no idea what you were doing when you killed Jesus, and neither did your leaders. 18 But God, who through the preaching of all the prophets had said all along that his Messiah would be killed, knew exactly what you were doing and used it to fulfill his plans. 19 "Now it's time to change your ways! Turn to face God so he can wipe away your sins, pour out showers of blessing to refresh you, (Acts 3:12-19 The Message Bible)

Happy Wednesday, Friend! Blessings be yours dear friend for today and all days. Make this day count with what you say, think, and do! Bless others. Make this a day of prayer that blesses others.

Have you ever been in a setting where someone in your group or class, has done something wrong, and the leader comes back in and yells at everyone and you don't know where to hide because you know you're not the one they're looking for? Me neither. Okay, yes. Have you ever been the person they were talking about but feared revealing yourself? Now, let's put ourselves in this crowd to which Peter is addressing. How would you have felt? What would you have done about it?

Peter had just prayed for a man who was lame to be healed and he was. The congregation loved it, but wondered who could possibly done such a thing? I love this passage in older versions because of the song that came of this healing; "Silver and gold have I none, but in the name of Jesus, rise up and walk and he went walking and leaping and praising God."*. Peter takes advantage of this opportunity to focus their attention on Jesus as we see in verse 16: "Faith in Jesus' name put this man, whose condition you know so well, on this feet - yes, faith and nothing but faith put this man healed and whole right before your eyes." Peter emphasizes that it was not their own power or righteousness that healed the man but faith in the name of Jesus.

Peter's message cuts to the heart of the crowd's culpability in the crucifixion of Jesus. He calls them to repentance, recognizing their ignorance of the true identity of Jesus. Despite their past actions, Peter assures them of God's mercy and willingness to forgive if they turn to Him in repentance.

Just as Peter urged the crowd to repent and turn to God, we too are called to examine our lives and turn away from sin. Repentance is not merely feeling sorry for our wrongdoings but a sincere turning away from them and turning towards God. It involves a change of heart and mind, leading to transformation and renewal in our relationship with God.

Today, let us reflect on areas in our lives where we need to repent and seek forgiveness. Let us humbly come before God, acknowledging our shortcomings and asking for His grace to change our ways. As we repent, may we experience the refreshing showers of God's blessing and restoration in our lives.

PRAYER: Loving God, we come before you with humble hearts, acknowledging our need for your forgiveness and grace. We confess our sins and shortcomings, knowing that we have fallen short of your glory. Grant us the strength to turn away from our sinful ways and turn towards you wholeheartedly. Pour out your mercy and grace upon us, O Lord, and renew us by your Holy Spirit. May our lives be transformed as we walk in obedience to your will. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

Have a great and blessed day in the Lord! HERE'S YOUR CALL TO ACTION: Write down specific actions or attitudes that need to change, and commit them to God in prayer.

I love you and thank God for you!

Pastor Eradio Valverde, Jr.

Here's a video on that song SIlver and Gold: *