Loving God of mercy, shower this dear reader with exactly what they need today. In Jesus' Name, amen.
The sermon title yesterday was Wrestling with Patience, based on the passage in Genesis about Jacob working seven years for his desire to marry Rachel. I was ready, but wanted to call my Dad and wish him a Happy Father's Day. I used the landline phone. Probably among the last in Harlingen, as most folks are going completely cellular. I was calling my Dad's landline. The same one he's had since 1968 when he and Mom bought the house. Same number. The phone rang, Dad answered, "Hello?" Happy Father's Day, Dad, said I; "Hello?" Slam. Dial tone. I tried it again. Same result. I blamed my phone. I switched to my cell phone. "Hello?" Happy Father's Day, Dad. "Hello?" Slam. This happened two more times on my cell, the sermon topic weighing heavily on my response to not being able to be heard by my Dad. I prayed. I tried one last time and i dreaded the thought of having to go to church without having talked to my father on Father's Day. This time my dad heard me and I said, "I've tried calling you about four or five times." "Yes," Dad replied, "The phone company is coming over tomorrow; I'm having trouble with my phone." Okay, Lord, I understand the topic. I'm ready.
As I told the congregation, patience is linked to our ability to make decisions. An impatient person is one who makes a decision quickly, usually based on selfish needs and wants, and the need to be gratified immediately on that decision. My daughter told me after church about an experiment she had seen on television about how doctors can tell which babies will be college material. A child is placed inside a room and a marshmallow is placed on the table right in front of him/her. The child is told that if they don't eat the marshmallow, four more marshmallows will be given to them. The parent leaves the room and the video camera tells the story. She said most children eat the marshmallow as they're not able to reason out the concept of four marshmallows coming later versus one available immediately. The experiment is sometimes done with three other children in the room. I told her, "If there had been three other kids in there and only one marshmallow, I'd beat the other three up and enjoy the marshmallow!" That's a joke.
Paul found that those believers filled and guided by The Holy Spirit are those who have evidence or "fruits" that show a person different from the world: "By contrast, the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against such things. 24 And those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. 25 If we live by the Spirit, let us also be guided by the Spirit. 26 Let us not become conceited, competing against one another, envying one another." (Galatians 5).
Are you the most patient person you know? Are you the most patient person you could be? The answer is in your spiritual life. One guided and blessed by God is one who will bless others with decision made that show the presence of the Holy Spirit. As examples I told the story of Fred Rogers, yes, Mister Rogers of TV fame. He showed great patience on a hidden camera show where victims were told their big screen tvs in their hotel room were broken. When the others screamed with anger a small portable black and white tv was brought to them. Mr. Rogers only smiled and said that no tv would be fine and the small one would be okay if no one else needed it.
What would you have said?
PRAYER: Loving God, forgive me those times that my decision making is based solely on me and my selfish desires. Grant me the presence of Your Holy Spirit that I may reason out with Your wisdom that which would bless me with the right decision and that I may be one who gives evidence of having the precious gift of patience. I ask this in Jesus Christ's precious name, amen.
Have a great and blessed day in the Lord!
Eradio Valverde
HAPPY ANNIVERARY TO RAUL AND BILHA ALEGRIA! Raul and Bilha will be spending the week in North Carolina with their grandson, doing grandparently things! May God grant them many more!