Dear Prince of Peace, bring a generous helping of peace to this dear reader's life. In Christ Jesus, Prince of Peace's Name we pray, amen.
Did not Jesus mean, "Where two or three are gathered, there will be trouble?" Even sadder, shouldn't it be, "where two or three brothers and sisters (siblings) are gathered, there will be MAJOR trouble?"
No, the passage is Matthew 18:20 and it reads, "For where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them." I pose the question to prepare those of you who worship on any of our campuses for this weekend's sermon: Wrestling with Siblings & Other Loved Ones. The Bible's first human death comes at the hands of that person's brother. Fratricide is the correct term for such a heinous act. Those who didn't kill each other came close or sure did think about it.
What causes us at times to be at war with our siblings? What can we do to remedy these things? We will explore that this Sunday. I believe the clue is found in the passage from Matthew. When and where Jesus is invited and invoked, His presence and His peace comes in great ways.
PRAYER: Dear God, You better than me know that at times, I have failed to love as I should, especially those Whom You gave to be near to me. Forgive me and give me a heart for loving not only my brother or sister, but all people. Give me eyes to recognize everyone as my brother and sister. I ask this in Jesus' precious Name, amen.
Have a great and blessed day in the Lord!
Eradio Valverde
---------------------Those in the Harlingen Area, please don't forget our worship schedule has not changed nor have we merged services: 8:30 & 10:45 in our Sanctuary; 10 & 11:30 at Gutierrez Middle School on Wilson Rd, Valley Praise; 10:45 in our Raimond Christian Center (gym), NuLife. We hope to see you at one or more of our services!