Gracious God, pour out a generous helping of patience on me and on this dear reader in all that we may face today. In Christ Jesus' name, amen.
Do you take time to notice what God has done in nature? I'm a sucker for being easily distracted by what may fly, jump, crawl and even slither by. What I loved about being a child was that when we were younger most of us were closer to the ground and so we were more aware of all that was near us. I'm seeing that again in our granddaughter as she becomes aware of nature and all that God shares with us. The days leading to Mother's Day, she was here and we took her and our daughters to the park across from our library and we walked. One of the trees is perfect for climbing and I said, "Mijita ("little daughter"-a term of endearment en español), let's climb the tree!" She looked at the tree and said, "I'm too little to climb trees!" She saw the water in the reservoir and said, "Let's jump into the water!" No, baby, let's not.
But it was on that walk that we saw ducks and geese and how they interact. They co-exist in a peaceful manner unless you begin to throw bread crumbs to them. Then it's duck versus duck, and even geese will try to drown ducks for bread. Monday as I walked I saw two ducks sitting on or near what I thought was an interesting plant of some kind. As I approached I saw the "plant" moving and discovered to my delight, the plant was about eight or so ducklings. I walked slowly towards them to see them and Mom and Dad and babies all jumped into the water and quickly swam away. I was blessed in seeing new life and how God made us all.
May we never be too busy to see how beautiful God has made our surroundings. May we never take anything for granted, and may we do our part in helping preserve nature in a reverent, peaceful way.
The Psalmist said it best, from his 24th Psalm: 1 The earth is the LORD'S, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein. (KJV). In the New Revised Standard: "The earth is the Lord's and all that is in it, the world, and those who live in it."
PRAYER: Father and Creator of all things, you know my heart and what I need; may I know Your heart and what You need fro me to do. In Christ Jesus' precious name I pray, amen.
Have a great and blessed day in the Lord.
Eradio Valverde