Amazing God of love, bring forth abundant blessings on the needs of this dear reader; in Christ Jesus I pray, amen.
Our text for today is from Matthew 5: 4 "Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.
Jesus knew that everyone faces loss at some point in their life. Jesus knew that in His audience that day, all there had lost a loved one to death. The average human expectancy for life was 47 years, which is awfully young. And that meant that everyone there had probably already lost their parents, and that is a difficult loss to face. Jesus knew that mourning was a terrible thing. Some time later He himself would face the loss of a dear friend giving us the shortest verse in the Bible, "Jesus wept." (John 11:35). Jesus also knows that all Christians mourn alongside others when they face loss or face hardship. Any person who loves God must love their brothers and sisters and out of that love comes the mourning of empathy and sympathy. As was mentioned yesterday, Jesus says that ours is the blessing of the fullness of life even in mourning and that comfort is ours.
The beginning with the end in sight, such is the Kingdom of Heaven. At our lowest and our saddest, God is with us and God is identifying with us. And when God is present, God does not deny anything from us, even that whichwe need the most, our comfort.
What are you hurting from today? What ills and sorrows have you seen or experienced in your life? Do you know that God is with you and is offering you comfort? Receive it!
PRAYER: Loving God of mercy and peace, comfort me when I need it the most. You, Lord, know the pain and sadness of loss and we turn to You during those times to receive from You that which we need. Receive this prayer of faith that I lift up in Jesus' precious and powerful name, amen.
Have a great and blessed day in the Lord.
Eradio Valverde