Saturday, December 26, 2015

The Adventure Continues!

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Now every year his parents went to Jerusalem for the festival of the Passover. And when he was twelve years old, they went up as usual for the festival. When the festival was ended and they started to return, the boy Jesus stayed behind in Jerusalem, but his parents did not know it. Assuming that he was in the group of travelers, they went a day's journey. Then they started to look for him among their relatives and friends. When they did not find him, they returned to Jerusalem to search for him. After three days they found him in the temple, sitting among the teachers, listening to them and asking them questions. And all who heard him were amazed at his understanding and his answers. When his parents saw him they were astonished; and his mother said to him, "Child, why have you treated us like this? Look, your father and I have been searching for you in great anxiety." He said to them, "Why were you searching for me? Did you not know that I must be in my Father's house?" But they did not understand what he said to them. Then he went down with them and came to Nazareth, and was obedient to them. His mother treasured all these things in her heart. And Jesus increased in wisdom and in years, and in divine and human favor. (Luke 2:41-52)

A comedian that I follow on Twitter is Cristela. She's from the Valley and had her own sitcom on ABC for a little while last year. On the 24th she tweeted, "i'm dreading the 26th because that's when they start playing all that Easter music." That made me laugh and smile, because she reflects what a lot of people reflect; once the gifts are open, Christmas is over. Wrong. This was made true last night as we took our grandkids on a walking tour of our neighbor's Christmas lights. "Why are these lights still on, since Christmas is over?" I told them in the Christian calendar Christmas is not over and won't be for a while. The adventure continues!

The gospel for this Sunday deals with Jesus as a boy, lost from His parents during a pilgrimage they took to the holy city of Jerusalem. The family had joined other relatives and friends from their town to visit the holy city for the Passover. Once the festival was over, they started their walk back. Mary assumed Joseph knew where the boy was, and Joseph assumed Mary knew where Jesus was. They both agreed that He must be with their relatives and friends. Wrong. Jesus was not with family and friends. He was lost! The most terrifying feeling of a parent or grandparent came home to their hearts. They journeyed back to Jerusalem and it took three days to finally find Him in the temple. Yikes. "Let's look here; let's look there!" They started at the Galleria, went downtown, back to the Loop, the toy store, the candy store; finally, let's look in church. That's where He was. Listening to the teachers, and asking them questions. The temple's cafeteria probably fed him, and at night the dorms must have had an extra bed for the boy. They were amazed at His ability to understand religious and theological things, and they loved His answers. Interesting how some of these very teachers years later would be the ones who would seek to find a way to trap, arrest, and kill Him.

After Christmas, like we did before Christmas, we were on a search. We started in the Galleria (or La Palmera or Ingram or North Park), we tried downtown (Wal-Mart or Family Dollar or Dollar General), we tried the toy store(s), candy store(s), and why do all stores have candy?? Even in the Ladies section of department stores, while you're paying, why not buy an expensive, but very delicious chocolate bar of candy? We looked everywhere, and some of us finally made it to the Christmas Eve service. Did we find what we were looking for?

Jesus is easy to find, but difficult to follow. He loves us and offers us new life, but demands our very lives of love and service to Him and to His. Are we willing? Or, as the hymn asks, "Are Ye Able, Said the Master?"

PRAYER: Yes, we are able, our spirits are thine. Lord, our spirits are Thine. Remold them, make us, like Thee, divine. Thy guiding radiance above us shall be a beacon to God, to love, and loyalty. In Jesus we pray, amen!

Have a great and blessed Christmas adventure today!

Eradio Valverde PS Prayer Updates, for those who prayed for the Stan Foreman family, our brother went home to the Lord yesterday at 11:25 a.m. Prayers for his wife, Pat, their two daughters and their families. For those who prayed for safe travel for my family; all are well and with us for now. Thanks be to God for God's presence and power in our daily needs!