Monday, August 28, 2006


Good day dear friends.

As we begin time of prayer and reflection, please hold Phyllis Gaddie in prayer. She underwent gall bladder surgery last week and she suffered some complications and today will undergo a procedure to hopefully correct those. Also, Dee Dee Murdoch is having surgery tomorrow to battle her cancer. Please keep these our sisters in prayer seeking God's healing for them.

Myth number nine was presented yesterday that says, "The Bible is unreliable and shouldn't be trusted." Quite a myth, given the power of God's word to transform lives.

Here is our study guide:

Monday: Please find 1 Peter 1:24-25. Read there the conviction of Peter regarding the word of God. How true are his statements about us versus the standing and durability of the Word?

1 Peter 1:24 For, "All men are like grass, and all their glory is like the flowers of the field; the grass withers and the flowers fall, 25 but the word of the Lord stands forever."

Peter in his letter is quoting from his Bible, the Old Testament, from Isaiah 40. Having had to defend his faith against skeptics who said he was simply proclaiming a "cleverly devised story," (v.16), he affirms what he believes about the word of God. The prophet Isaiah had spoken on behalf of God that our life compared to that of grass and flowers, doesn't last very long, but the word of God does.

I shared a couple of stories of people whose lives were transformed by just reading the word of God. Both men grew up not knowing the Bible nor owning one. The first said the Bible became a "talking book" speaking to him like no other book he had ever read. The second said that the Bible called him into ordained ministry at first reading. No other book can make those claims on our lives on behalf of God.

I also said how so many times we will read the Bible only to discover the Bible is reading us.

Do you have a Bible? Are you reading it like you should? You might be missing out on so much if you're not!

PRAYER: God of the living word, speak to my heart today. Let me seek You in the words You've spoke through the Bible. Let those words become words of life for me. I pray in Jesus' name, amen.

Have a great and blessed day!
