Saturday, August 04, 2007


Good day dear friends.
Here is our study guide for today:
Saturday: Esther 1, 2, 3As Ahasuerus, Vashti, Esther, Mordecai, and Haman are introduced, one senses a mystery unfolding. What do you make of the fact that God isn’t mentioned?
Sometimes the most powerful pronouncement of the presence of God is not His mention, but his action in us. If you think about it, you can preach powerful sermons about God without even opening your mouth. I read just yesterday in the local paper about the founder of TOMS Shoes. Its founder was a third-place finisher in CBS' Amazing Race. He regretted having to rush through countries trying to win the million dollar prize, so after his turn on tv, he spent his own money to visit those countries he had rushed through. He fell in love with Argentina and noticed that the soccer teams used a simple, but comfortable canvas shoe. He also noticed that the majority of children didn't have shoes. So, he learned how to make the shoe, established a contract with shoe manufacturers down there and vowed that for every paif of shoes he sold, he would give one away. He arrived in Los Angeles with about 800 pairs of this new shoe and made a deal with a trendy store to sell them. A fashion writer with the LA Times bought a pair, wrote about it and many shoes were sold. Soon, he was back in Argentina with 5,000 pairs of shoes to give away. Now he does the same, working nine months of the year making and selling shoes, then he takes three months to give shoes away. This year he is taking a trip to South Africa to give away 40,000 shoes. God isn't mentioned once in this story nor do you expect it to be. The fact that he loves and cares for people enough is a strong message of God's presence in his life.
Does God get mentioned in your daily life? Not by name, but by deed? In the book of Esther, God is not once mentioned by name, but you know He's there. Keep reading. And oh yes, keep preaching!
PRAYER: God, be made real today in my life in the way I live. Amen.
Have a great and blessed day in the Lord!